good way to invest a few hundred bucks?


Well-Known Member
my parents sold my old quad at their house and are sending me the money. im thinking of investing it somehow since its just extra money. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Gold. Silver. It's gonna be going up, the government is buying it all.
I can't think of anything else. Right now with this economy. Grow somthin, is my only other opinion.


RIU Bulldog
Have you asked the guys in the black briefcase forum or whatever it's called? They talk about stocks and investing a lot in there.
Sorry I can't help, I'm horrible with money, but if it were me, I'd move some weight.

People love their drugs!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Last night my hubby and I said if we had some extra cash we'd buy Apache stock, APA. It hasn't been this cheap in a long time. It's a natural gas play.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Gold is a terrible investment right now, it's at an all time high. The trick to investing is buy low sell high, not the other way around. Only invest in gold if you truly think that America is going to collapse in the near future, and the American dollar will be totally valueless. But if you believe we will bounce back from this recession like every other recession we've had, gold is a terrible investment. As our economy strengthens gold will drop. The time to buy gold is when the economy is strong, and gold is cheap.


Well-Known Member
my parents sold my old quad at their house and are sending me the money. im thinking of investing it somehow since its just extra money. any ideas?
yes i have an idea...i can invest it for you, my room needs more lights for the girls, oh and i could use some clones if ya have any lying around as well ;-)

put it away for a rainy day man, they are always just right around the corner :peace:


Well-Known Member
my parents sold my old quad at their house and are sending me the money. im thinking of investing it somehow since its just extra money. any ideas?
Get some booty shorts and a sports bra and a wig and where that shit on the stroll, you can make some eazy money and get some action all at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Gold is a terrible investment right now, it's at an all time high. The trick to investing is buy low sell high, not the other way around. Only invest in gold if you truly think that America is going to collapse in the near future, and the American dollar will be totally valueless. But if you believe we will bounce back from this recession like every other recession we've had, gold is a terrible investment. As our economy strengthens gold will drop. The time to buy gold is when the economy is strong, and gold is cheap.
i dont think we are going to come out of the recession. at least not for a while. our government is just making shit worse lol. plus europe is about to collapse. if they do, would people be investing in gold or US treasuries?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LOL You just asked for a "good way to invest a few hundred buck" not "a way to invest a few hundred bucks that Im comfortable with". :p People have given you many good ways.

Maybe you could look into corporate bond funds. :p


Well-Known Member
I still say stripper clothes are the way to go, that is an investment that will allow you to earn a living, think of it as a marketing tool that will help you to sell your time for a higher price


Ursus marijanus
Part of the problem is that a few hundred bucks isn't really a usual amount to invest. If you really mean invest for long-term gain, and don't mind doing the necessary research, the right rare stamp or coin will gain value in just about any market ... and earn the "interest" entirely off-grid. cn


Well-Known Member
LOL You just asked for a "good way to invest a few hundred buck" not "a way to invest a few hundred bucks that Im comfortable with". :p People have given you many good ways.

Maybe you could look into corporate bond funds. :p
i wonder if i could buy an ice cream truck...

Part of the problem is that a few hundred bucks isn't really a usual amount to invest. If you really mean invest for long-term gain, and don't mind doing the necessary research, the right rare stamp or coin will gain value in just about any market ... and earn the "interest" entirely off-grid. cn
thats true, i should look into collectable stuff