Welch's Juice adds flavor and color!

I just LOVE puppies who think they just discovered the wheel, but who instead only rediscovered the failed square wheel that many before them also discovered and failed with.

And I love seeing people who stare at wheels all day long giving nothing but patronizing comments thinking they know everything because of their post count on a forum and their "Years of experience"...I've known plenty of people with "Years of experience" who know jack shit about their applied profession.

Your signature doesn't do you justice...
And I love seeing people who stare at wheels all day long giving nothing but patronizing comments thinking they know everything because of their post count on a forum and their "Years of experience"...I've known plenty of people with "Years of experience" who know jack shit about their applied profession.

Your signature doesn't do you justice...
Perhaps you need to listen more & talk less.
Brick does indeed "know his shit".
And I love seeing people who stare at wheels all day long giving nothing but patronizing comments thinking they know everything because of their post count on a forum and their "Years of experience"...I've known plenty of people with "Years of experience" who know jack shit about their applied profession.

Your signature doesn't do you justice...

damn. .
Now I doubt the whole turn purple and make it taste like grape stuff, but I do not doubt the chemical composition of grape juice containing glucose aiding a plants growth ability. There is plenty of research in this area if you google a bit about it...kthnx...
I'm not the one who started this thread btw...I'm just an observer...nor am I butthurt...

meh whatevs...I'm agreeing more and more with the guy who posted a thread earlier today talking about how assholish people on here have became instead of intelligently rebutting their claims...this is suppose to be a place of peace, love and happiness...it's marijuana for fucks sake...take another bong hit...
meh whatevs...I'm agreeing more and more with the guy who posted a thread earlier today talking about how assholish people on here have became instead of intelligently rebutting their claims...this is suppose to be a place of peace, love and happiness...it's marijuana for fucks sake...take another bong hit...
bout to be my sig
I water mine with the blood of a pot head. Then when my buds are ready, they just smoke themselves. Saves lots of time.
Man I hate this kind of sh*t. Not what the guy originally posted, but how everyone has the need to slander everything the guy says and just talk sh*t. You don't look tough or smart let the guy experiment and have his fun.
Man I hate this kind of sh*t. Not what the guy originally posted, but how everyone has the need to slander everything the guy says and just talk sh*t. You don't look tough or smart let the guy experiment and have his fun.

No one is slandering anything, not that your use of the word makes any sense in that context...

Life is tough and doesn't reward bullshit. Neither should RIU, IMO.

He came on here advertising this as something others should do which is total bullshit and deserves the exact response it got.

Just because we are pot heads, doesn't mean we need to sit in a circle and sing kumbaya while some dude promotes bullshit and spreads misinformation that's a lot more likely to fuck someone's grow up than help them.

If you want grape weed, pick a strain like grape ape and quit advising people to create a breeding ground for insects where their grow medium should be.
Slander -False malicious statement that damages a persons reputation.
So on that note if you haven't tried that yet then that word fits.
Slander -False malicious statement that damages a persons reputation.
So on that note if you haven't tried that yet then that word fits.

You're obviously dense...something cannot be slander if you believe it to be true. Slander is making false statements.

I have never tried jumping off a bridge, or shooting myself full of heroin...don't have to in order to know they are all stupid fucking ideas. Sorry, you're nonsensical semantic argument doesn't even hold muster...

Not to mention that you ignored the rest of what I said because, let's face it, it's the truth.
Like Brick said, plants do not uptake flavors; they make their own terpines - inside the plant. It's like the "organic" myth; it's great fertilizer but they still do not uptake organic compounds. Grape juice - fail.
Why would you think that you lucked into something great that somehow over the many, MANY years that people have grown has never been tried by anyone ever before and that it will go "big" here, or on any growing forum? The only thing about it that will go "big" is the laughter it causes.

I began getting high when I was 14-year old, which was in 1969. I knew people who were older than me that were already skilled growers by then. I began growing in 1972. There is almost nothing that anyone could possibly put on a plant that hasn't already been tried, and tried decades ago, and the string of failures using them is nearly endless. Over the decades I have seen just about every type of fruit juice (home made and store bought), wine, beer, hard liquor, candies of various flavors (crushed or cut up and soaked in water), cough drops (crushed or cut up and soaked in water), sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup, corn syrup and much more used in failed attempts to alter flavor and or color.

Do you honestly believe you will succeed doing the very same thing that many others before you failed at doing?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

I'm with this guy...

Want wonderful taste? Get a floral strain sativa, grow it organically, (bat poop preferred) Give it some uvb, and harvest at "partly cloudy"..dry and cure properly...connoisseur
Trying something new and different for experimentation isn't a BAD thing,

I would agree with that.

But each new grower or generation of growers is not trying something new and different just because something is new and different to them, not if it has been tried near countless times over the decades by growers who came before them.

When old things that did not work in the past and will not work in the present and will not work in the future are mentioned and others who know they do not work say so, there is no reason for someone to continue and to insist that it will work.

For all the good that will come from doing the various things that inexperienced growers will from time to time claim will work you might as well just cut the head off a chicken and chant while dancing around a bonfire naked under a full moon while someone beats on conga drums.