Hemp Oil/QWISO/tincture?

Charlie Who?

Active Member
Ive made QWISO a number of times. Then I saw the video, "RUN FROM THE CURE (youtube) where this guy in Nova Scotia swears he has cured cancer with Hemp OIL. He gives directions for making it.

What I dont understand is....you make them the same way. So....how does one make oil and one make dry powder???

For QWISO, you shake your bud in a jar with alcohol, strain it and let the alcohol evap off. Then scrape the dry stuff up.

With Hemp oil, you shake the bud in a jar with alcohol, strain it and evap the alcohol off. Except....you get that black gooey tar-like stuff. That's "oil"?

I dont get it.

Another thing....the guy on the video says it's the trichomes released from the bud into the slcohol that is the "medicine". If so....then why wouldnt eating the powdered QWISO be just as good? Sure be easier to swallow, too.

And....why wouldnt a tincture made of Everclear and bud be just as good for medicinal purposes?

I mean...if the trichomes are the medicinal part....seems like ANY way the patient ingests the trichs would be OK.

Anybody know?


Bodhi Diesel

Active Member
Ive made QWISO a number of times. Then I saw the video, "RUN FROM THE CURE (youtube) where this guy in Nova Scotia swears he has cured cancer with Hemp OIL. He gives directions for making it.

What I dont understand is....you make them the same way. So....how does one make oil and one make dry powder???
You need to watch the video again...closely.

Charlie Who? said:
For QWISO, you shake your bud in a jar with alcohol, strain it and let the alcohol evap off. Then scrape the dry stuff up.

With Hemp oil, you shake the bud in a jar with alcohol, strain it and evap the alcohol off. Except....you get that black gooey tar-like stuff. That's "oil"?

I dont get it
Simpson's Hemp Oil is made with Naptha, not Iso. It's pulverized in a bucket, not shaken in a jar. It's reduced in a rice steamer, not left to evaporate on it's own. In the last 30 minutes, Simpson adds 10-12 drops of water to the mixture,

Charlie Who? said:
Another thing....the guy on the video says it's the trichomes released from the bud into the slcohol that is the "medicine". If so....then why wouldnt eating the powdered QWISO be just as good? Sure be easier to swallow, too.
Not concentrated enough and the alcohol residue would just make it nasty.

Charlie Who? said:
And....why wouldnt a tincture made of Everclear and bud be just as good for medicinal purposes?
Too weak for cancer treatment.

Charlie Who? said:
I mean...if the trichomes are the medicinal part....seems like ANY way the patient ingests the trichs would be OK.
Trichomes are NOT the only medicinal part. They only play a small part in the medicinal value of cannabis.