Could you pass your expert eyes over this for me please?

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Im subscribed to anythread i ever been in still but havent got a journal, i always post pics when my plants look good though just heat stressed at mo so not doing no photo shoots!lol!

Yer i got a stepped voltage fan controller, one with 5 options from greens horticulture, gets here tomorrow so im well in a happy mood! I know it will never run on full speed (that would collapse the tent!lmao! Kinda want to but dont want to have to buy a new tent and fan. Will run it on 40percent which is most fan controllers min speed and greens promised if either the fan or controller buzzed or hummed then i could have straight refund or swap so its cool. The fan controller will reduce the speed and noise too so wont be that loud.

Next is a 400w air cooled reflector and im gona get the fan to vent my veg tent when i get that too by splitting the intake. Someone said dont buy grow gear without considering the future grows. I get a massive fan and turn it down low then if i ever go big time i dont need to buy a new fan.

Anyway talk soon dude, just hit me up on my germination thread or somthing, maybe when your not wetting yourself, i mean spilling bong water on your pants!lol! Stoner!
Thats a Hermie and from the loos its already been seeded. Thats trash and cut them down ASAP no one will buy that and you will get beat down for selling it. Also why you growing if you dont smoke stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man? We dont support drug dealing here.

We don't support drug dealers? Half the people on this forum are growing to sell!

He can have whatever hobbies he pleases and if he wants to grow MJ this forum is here to help him like anyone else.
We don't support drug dealers? Half the people on this forum are growing to sell!

He can have whatever hobbies he pleases and if he wants to grow MJ this forum is here to help him like anyone else.

I dont grow to sell but recently i dont see whats stopping me, will never be as fun though when selling weed as just growing some damn fine personal. Im split about this but who am i to stop things.

I have always condoned drug dealing, those on here that do it and i talk to never mention the selling side or even hint at it, its one thing to grow weed to sell but another to advertise your doing it to people so whereas i have little respect for people who grow to sell i have lots of respect for people who grow to sell but are only on the site out of the love of weed and never advertise dealing or selling.

Lastly if most people on this site are growing to sell they better STEP it up because all im getting in my area is crap, wont even smoke it for free its so bad. Seriously you cant grow well if you in my area because the product speaks for itself! Yech!!!! I believe that is the first thing that attracted me to growing, cut the dealer out the loop, but now the tables reverse and i feel i am becoming that dealer. Fucking life sucks man!!!!!! Peace
I dont grow to sell but recently i dont see whats stopping me, will never be as fun though when selling weed as just growing some damn fine personal. Im split about this but who am i to stop things.

I have always condoned drug dealing, those on here that do it and i talk to never mention the selling side or even hint at it, its one thing to grow weed to sell but another to advertise your doing it to people so whereas i have little respect for people who grow to sell i have lots of respect for people who grow to sell but are only on the site out of the love of weed and never advertise dealing or selling.

Lastly if most people on this site are growing to sell they better STEP it up because all im getting in my area is crap, wont even smoke it for free its so bad. Seriously you cant grow well if you in my area because the product speaks for itself! Yech!!!! I believe that is the first thing that attracted me to growing, cut the dealer out the loop, but now the tables reverse and i feel i am becoming that dealer. Fucking life sucks man!!!!!! Peace
Theres no problem with selling to friends you know. Like I said bulbs, and nutes cost money. Why not offset that by making some money to reinvest into your grow?
Wow, I go away for awhile and come back to this site and its full of a bunch of punk ass new ppl that think they are the shit it seems judging from the posts in this thread. I see now this site has been over run by the retards and punks that make the rest of stoners look bad.

I guarantee there was a point when half you lil shits couldn't tell the difference you wasn't born with all the weed knowledge in the world. The guy came here for help, even posting in the newbie section and you all run him into the dirt instead of politely helping. This is why we have a problem trying to get shit accomplished with promoting a positive look to the general public about stoners. Those of us that are successful, nice, contributing members of society are overshadowed by all the lil shit potheads. /end rant
Wow, I go away for awhile and come back to this site and its full of a bunch of punk ass new ppl that think they are the shit it seems judging from the posts in this thread. I see now this site has been over run by the retards and punks that make the rest of stoners look bad.

I guarantee there was a point when half you lil shits couldn't tell the difference you wasn't born with all the weed knowledge in the world. The guy came here for help, even posting in the newbie section and you all run him into the dirt instead of politely helping. This is why we have a problem trying to get shit accomplished with promoting a positive look to the general public about stoners. Those of us that are successful, nice, contributing members of society are overshadowed by all the lil shit potheads. /end rant

Cool dude

Theres no problem with selling to friends you know. Like I said bulbs, and nutes cost money. Why not offset that by making some money to reinvest into your grow?

That justifys it for me dude and hopefully Rollitup, well said.
Most of my life I've had to buy ganja. If there hadn't been dealers willing to sell it, I would have been out of luck until I could grow which wasnt possible for a long time. I and others I have known have needed MJ for medical reasons and had no choice but to buy it illegaly.

If I rely on these dealers (who are not my friends) to sell me weed, how can I then turn around and knock them for selling it?
Theres no problem with selling to friends you know. Like I said bulbs, and nutes cost money. Why not offset that by making some money to reinvest into your grow?

Sounds like a classic win / win situation to me!

Right, that's it from me, I shall fade back into obscurity. It has been fun to watch all this blow up. I really didn't expect it to, but I guess if it brought about a discussion about how new members to this forum should be treated with respect then some good came of it all. I am officially leaving you to your (fucking) hobbies, because, like I said, I don't really smoke weed (that doesn't mean I never smoke it btw) and I only really took over the plants for the luls and yes, believe it or not, to give any proceeds away to my friends (I'm assuming you have friends too, Slimjim, and that you would have done the same for yours). Living in a liberal European state, I was never at that much risk having them on my balcony. Anyway, the plants have been killed. They were chopped up and put in a plastic bag and sealed, then thrown in the bin downstairs.

Anyway, have a nice life everyone,

Dude dont try to act like you were not in the WRONG you attacked me more then a dozen times with slandering name calling. All these trolls that keep coming in dont mean shit you should have taken it on the chin like a man not like a little bitch. Dont act all high and mighty now and i dont care what any of these fucks have to say except for the ones who know me cuz i dont see them on the forum helping newbies out i dont see them post shit on the newbie threads im there all day everyday helping people out so they can take there 2 cents somewhere else or they can even stick those two cents up their ass cuz they have no idea what transpired here a newb asked a stupid fucking ? i reply with a short response and he interpreted it wrongly and attacked me and continued to attack me. Sry bro you cant fucking grow sry you think a male is a female sry i even pointed that out and most important sorry i gave you any FACTS or info you sniveling little bitch.
Seriously, get over yourself. Go circle jerk your online friends somewhere else. This thread asked for EXPERT opinions,but you're a butthurt noob with no manners and all your participation in this thread was unwanted and OFF TOPIC.

But you just couldn't leave it alone. This isn't your thread nor are you wanted here, so kindly follow Rollitup rules and fuck off somewhere else to post.

Hopefully someday your attitude will get an adjustment, cos if it's your attitude in real life it'll get you hurt eventually.
Dude you have failed to prove im a noob and what i said was incorrect sto talking shit like the MOD said you just a hater jocking my balls now step off.
Wow, some pricks in this topic. I'm ashamed that some of you are in this community because up until now I've only ever seen really positive and helpful people. The guy made no mention of selling it, you assumed, like an ass, what he said is he was doing it "for the luls" which I would take as "As a hobby". The guy didn't say he didn't smoke mj either, he said "I don't REALLY smoke it", from context i'd take that as "I smoke rarely" because I'm not a dick who jumps on peoples' backs before I even know the extent of their situation.

Then there's the fact that he was nothing but polite the way through until a certain King Cock decided to go on a little e-rampage, deciding that he is the guy that gets to decide who uses this forum and whether or not they're worthy to do so. Worse than that, you can apparently also tell a person's motives for growing marijuanna too! Must be awesome to be the world's best Psychic prick.

Couldn't have just been a nice guy like others and said "You got a guy there, good luck on the next grow and remember to keep 'em checked early"

As for him attacking YOU slimjim, you get what you give, now really, fuck off, the guy was just looking for a helping hand and you acted like a jackass
I don't need to prove myself to anyone, my journals are out there for all to see if they want to. Iv just been a member here a long time,you havnt but for some reason you think you have the right to abuse new members? Noone has that right.

Again what you said wasn't necessarily wrong,it was the WAY YOU SAID IT...and also the fact youre a micro CFL grower of less than 8-9 months with no real experience and you think youre an expert is laughable. What's even more laughable is you think you can abuse people at will even considering your own shortcomings.

You won't last long here man.
Thats a Hermie and from the loos its already been seeded. Thats trash and cut them down ASAP no one will buy that and you will get beat down for selling it. Also why you growing if you dont smoke stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man? We dont support drug dealing here.​

That was pretty unpleasant and totally unjustified. It was certainly not 'feeling him out' it was provocation.

We help anyone who wants to grow for any reason. That's the basic mandate of RollItUp. There are lot of people here growing to sell, we help them too. There was nothing in his post to indicate that he was anything but a very inexperienced person experimenting with growing an mj plant.
By the way, GTA, if you read this, please don't take slimjim's apparent attitude problem as a reflection on us all, I've met some really nice people in this forum and as I've said, he is the very first I've seen react like that.
I didn't actually think I'd ever use the report button here but for a major dick like you I'm gonna make the exception. You've been nothing but a bitter prick since the second post you made on this topic and despite many people objectively determining and informing you of the way you come off and of how unnecessary your reaction is you still refuse to apologise or even admit that you've been a bit of a jackass to the guy, who asked a simple question in exactly the right place.
It's an old trick to provoke someone to the point where he loses self control and then use that as justification for continued abuse. You opened with a very hostile statement. I'm surprised GTA held out as long as he did.
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