tip top toker
Well-Known Member
I'm chasing my hangover off with white wine
Off fishing in a tic, couple of beers, ouple of joints, should be fun hopefully.
If i were prime minister i would instigate a government funded dial-a-rape service, it's like a double whammy of YES! We can teach women to show due respect and at the same time get all those immigrants off the benefits ladder, get em into employment. Taxes might go up to fund said immigrants new lines of work but not to worry, we can cut it out of the maternity budget.

If i were prime minister i would instigate a government funded dial-a-rape service, it's like a double whammy of YES! We can teach women to show due respect and at the same time get all those immigrants off the benefits ladder, get em into employment. Taxes might go up to fund said immigrants new lines of work but not to worry, we can cut it out of the maternity budget.