Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker


Well-Known Member
this guy sounds like a virgin him self and to go with the topic id say just do what u kno he likes best(besides getting dome) and hell maybe try a vape if u got or know nebody who has one its a totaly diff high....
Hmm, I think Cannabineer is right after thinking about it.

I was with a guy once who kept telling me about his fantasies and calling me at all hours of the night. He was one of my closest friends- knew me inside out and vice versa. He would only open up to me and he even spent 7 hours in a police station supporting my case for me blah blah. He kept getting me alone and start on me, then stopping to say how 'It wouldn't be right' in much the same 'protective' fashion as Urca's FWB. We did end up sleeping together for a while and still carried on as friends like normal apart from the fact he wanted it kept secret. I think the bottom line is a man trying to cover his back. Something is holding him back that e doesn't want to deal with. In my case, he didn't want to date me, but didn't want to be known as the prick who took advantage of a girl wrapped around his little finger. That happened anyway and now everyone hates him.

I'm not sure what the deal is with Urca's FWB though. He could genuinely be worried about her being uncomfortable or regretting it or there is some reason he feels he doesn't want to go there or he will feel guilty or something for sleeping with her. Maybe to him 'it's all okay' as long as they don't actually have penetrating sex. I could be overthinking it, but that's what comes to mind from personal experience. Cannabineer, I can't Rep you right now :(


Active Member
Mind you this "onscreen diagnosis" business has been known to be inaccurate at times, but my $.02?
A guy who has been given some seriously unmistakable signs of interest by Urca, accepts head, gives the gift o'gob, takes his hand FROm the offered goodies and spouts lines about "keeping it special" and "not violating" ...
the vibe I'm getting is of someone who doesn't want to be cornered into admitting he simply doesn't want to go there. Worse, he paints himself the longsuffering hero type. The whole thing is redolent of bogosity. All told, I agree with and applaud Urca's instinct to maybe wait for a young man who'll show some genuine interest, fer grief's sake. And who knows, maybe his creme d'amour will taste like S'mores. ~giggle!~ cn
lookin for Mr/s Right : CDFF,COM got trolls there that are not Christians, just trolling. Willing to travel to check it out? I went 1300 miles round trip for a keeper and 200 to a mess happy shopping be careful.


Active Member
haha yeah im far from a ho, this guy is the only guy ive ever done stuff with. my first everything so far
We all have a first or never get laid! I and my wife got ours today! Godspeed in findn what you need!


Ursus marijanus
KuroiTaima, you just put a big smile on my face ... if your compliment were ice cream I'd be nibbling it with a small spoon. cn


Well-Known Member
lol head stroking? i get little kisses on my forehead. and its not like i didnt consider just swallowing it, but literally he wouldnt let me sit up until i spit all of it back out, and wipe my mouth with his shirt
how romantic.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
it is romantic, i usualy grab her hair likes its a set of handlebars and whisper softly in her ear "polish my helmet bitch"


Well-Known Member
what people do when they are drunk and high.....Poor guy just had you blow his spot up on the net ....lmao....And your still a virgin WTF


Well-Known Member

you have a history of abuse (getting assaulted by your drunken mother) and would likely benefit from taking advantage of the mental health services offered by your new school.

believe me, situations like this would not be so mysterious to you.


Well-Known Member
Well, thats disappointing...My girl is watching knocked up, I'm smoking some of my first outdoor of the season, a little DinaFem "White Widow"