Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker


Well-Known Member
Cuz you'll be stuck nigga :P

Gotta start somewhere, start where you feel most comfortable.


Well-Known Member
um, he didnt want me to swallow. he didnt even want to cum anywhere near my mouth. he apologized for the rest of the night. so i suggest you actually read what i post cause this isnt the first time i said it
theres something wrong with him.


Well-Known Member
idk, i think it makes him feel guilty? seriously he said "i feel like i violated you"


Pickle Queen
Im sorry but did u get pleasure b4 u gave any? If not ur doing it wrong love.
Honestly it sounds like ur being used for blowjobs, have any of these guys given U anything back,pussy lick and fingering? some titty play???? Im so confused are u asking a question or telling everyone about ur latest teen adventure?
Obedient women swallow, girls in training spit and complain ;)


Well-Known Member
haha i do get some reciprocation, just ntohing below the belt. and it started off as a question and ended up becoming a story telling session

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member

Or in this case, Urca thread from the beginning, Urca thread now, and Urca thread ahead.

Can you not make ONE thread that's not an Urca thread? There's a reason "Urca" doesn't mean you on this forum anymore. LMAO


Well-Known Member
he would of probably sucked anyway urca.Go find someone that'll dick you down for your first time.Hangout at i-hop and you'll get it in no time.


Well-Known Member
lol basically i tried to move his hand where i wanted it to go, but then he's like, where are you trying to put my hand, so i said my pussy, then he stopped and we had a little talk about not having sex. he's like, im trying to be careful how far i go with you, you're a virgin and itshould be special, yadda yadda. he could tell my feelings were hurt after but i just played it off.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
If you played it off he wouldn't be able to tell it hurt your feelings. You have a real knack for voiding something you just said, in the same post.


Well-Known Member
lol basically i tried to move his hand where i wanted it to go, but then he's like, where are you trying to put my hand, so i said my pussy, then he stopped and we had a little talk about not having sex. he's like, im trying to be careful how far i go with you, you're a virgin and itshould be special, yadda yadda. he could tell my feelings were hurt after but i just played it off.
He's using you, trust me. You think he cares about your first time? He ain't tryna hit that, find a man who'll treat you right.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
lol basically i tried to move his hand where i wanted it to go, but then he's like, where are you trying to put my hand, so i said my pussy, then he stopped and we had a little talk about not having sex. he's like, im trying to be careful how far i go with you, you're a virgin and itshould be special, yadda yadda. he could tell my feelings were hurt after but i just played it off.
next time tell im to lick it or u wont