How dark does dark need to be?


Well-Known Member
I personally take a healthy dose of Dutch Masters Reverse every day...I'm 100% positive I'm not a hermaphrodite--so it definitely works. All kidding aside, thank you for the tip....I'll go and look for it.

One more thing, I have it very very dark in my room...I'm a little bit of an obsessive compulsive perfectionist paranoid type hehe...I do feel better that I have done a great job sealing everything...its 99.999% perfect but once in a while at a strange angle I will find another pin hole in a seam or something. It just irritates the sh*t out of me. I'm glad to hear I'll probably be ok. I will definitely look into that anti hermie product for me and my plants. LOL


Well-Known Member
Lazy grower here, i have minor light leaks always. Was looking at autos simply so i could be even more lazy :-)