Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker


Well-Known Member
Doesn't have to be a good friend, just a friend you fuck(or suck, in Urca's case) that you're not willing to go out with, or is not wiling to go out with you.
lol pretty much. though it would be different if he lived closer


Active Member
BONG? I do not smoke so 36 years ago wife had a bong so I try some and realized pot makes me more paranoid than I am already! so I do not use. Would grow if legal and might try brownies. So the start slow might b the idea.


Well-Known Member
BONG? I do not smoke so 36 years ago wife had a bong so I try some and realized pot makes me more paranoid than I am already! so I do not use. Would grow if legal and might try brownies. So the start slow might b the idea.
I pictured you saying that with an indian accent haha...


Well-Known Member
well im fat as hell, and doubled with the fact im a virgin, im nervous he wont like it


Well-Known Member
well im fat as hell, and doubled with the fact im a virgin, im nervous he wont like it
He knows what he's getting himself into I'm sure xD

Around here, pussy is pussy. Then again I'm engaged so I shouldn't be speaking like that :P


New Member
if you're so scared just ask him if he wants to do it. I like all sorts of types of women, big, small, short hair, long hair, blonde hair, black hair, it don't matter


Active Member
well im fat as hell, and doubled with the fact im a virgin, im nervous he wont like it
been thee done that. I'm 6.4 300 she shared my clothes, as a teen pussy was pussy. I did not have to get high to decide. Just ask your friend if he is interested in friendly benefits. he might have religious reservations nothing against BBW. Will you still be friends eithr way?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
he's a friend with benefits, he's not your potential boyfriend, so what does it maatter if he doesn't like it? Worst case scenario being that he's a friend with benefits, is you get some feedback and don't cock up a possible thing with a new boyfriend, it doesn't matter what happens, he's just a friend. Now i see why you call it a situation.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ this went from a thread about smoking up a newbie, to Urca and her "situation" in no time flat. :roll:
That's why she put "fwb situation" in her first line ;) Sorry, ignore that, smoking out a friend is completely different to smoking out a friend with benefits, it needed to be mentioned

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Ha ha quite true. True enough. There is nothing in the title of this thread about it. It is the title for every post you make, and therefor the most recurring theme. =)