Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker


Well-Known Member
So most of you know that i have a fwb situation. Well he's coming up tonight and Im smoking him out. the thing is, he kinda has had bad experiences with weed, and only recently did he finally have a so so experience. I want to make it great for him, so I need some tips to help with the situation!


Well-Known Member
Don't smoke him out...or if you do, let him take one hit then chill like 5-10 minutes, let it sorta effect him before you smoke more so he don't get too stoned right off the bat


Well-Known Member
Lol i never ask names, I trust my dealer. Generally I get really good weed, but this time, its good, but not as good as usual, and a bit dry. So i think it will be good for him. Scale of 1-10, id give the weed a strong 7


New Member
give him a beer or a shot or two of strong alcohol to take the edge off, then smoke

Tell him its up to him to have a good high, if you aren't in a good mind frame when you're new to smoking then you'll have a bad time.

Maybe go for a walk after you smoke


Well-Known Member
Well, your smoking out your friend with benefits tonight, he's coming up to see you, and doesn't really like weed...And you don't fuck yet...So either a handy or a bj is in his future, I believe...


Well-Known Member
lol i guess, idk where its gonna go. actually thought about taking it further but im a pussy and kinda scared so nope.


Well-Known Member
friends with benefits. basically a really good friend one screws around with


Well-Known Member
lol i guess, idk where its gonna go. actually thought about taking it further but im a pussy and kinda scared so nope.
No no, you HAVE a learn to use it! Haha, naw, do your thang girl...Get sloppy!


Well-Known Member
friends with benefits. basically a really good friend one screws around with
Doesn't have to be a good friend, just a friend you fuck(or suck, in Urca's case) that you're not willing to go out with, or is not wiling to go out with you.