Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?


Well-Known Member
wtf is that face! i wanted the : X face and that appeared! lol
no offense taken!
sex is dirty. hence dirty talk. but i like. ;-)


Well-Known Member
You're right, trying to fake confidence looks bad. I mean I'll try for his sake but I'm not using some corny porn lines, whipping my hair back and forth or doing any pretentious finger sucking. It took a long long time to ge me to do anything with the lights on. I still prefer some bed sheet coverage unless I'm kneeling. I make what I like known though, but I got yelled at (under his breath) for moaning too loud on the occasions that I let myself go for once. It's a hard balance to find. I don't want to piss him off by being too shy but I feel kind of slutty 'putting on a show'. I guess it's not about putting on a show but improvising. Girls are so much easier to be confident with in bed. I've had too many experiences with guys who expect me to behave like what they saw on the Internet last night. If only they took the time to see how warm and tender I can be

With my hands.

Affection for your partner plays a huge part. I will try really hard because I like pleasing those I really care about. I'm a hugely emotional and sensual person and it comes across in the context of the bedroom.

Gentle encouragement inspires confidence. Whatever you do guys, don't yell at a girl to show you her tits already. It's scary 0_o if one is comfortable they will just casually slip into view, you know?

Definitely too much of this weed or I'm just hormonal... Why, how? So much dirty, dirty talk. *rolls*

Seconded, it's a gush. From the skene's glands either side of the opening of the vagina. None of that Super-soaker style precision fountain squirting stuff- at least I haven't seen.
oooh, i like the way you think girl!!


Sector 5 Moderator
I could write a book on this. Oh wait, I already have. :) I could tell you some stories but most *men* would not believe me.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
The SEX is on FIRE .



Well-Known Member
Kings of Leon Fan? Lol

Sex, fire and a plea for legalization:



Well-Known Member
I decided to delete my post... I don't think it was of an acceptable content...I'll just say I love making my wife squirt.. its great :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
funny, I never used to like the idea of doing it. Then I started doing it and have to say I love it, as long as it's tidy. The smell is one of lifes best things.