Carport GreenHouse 2011

Yup fiskars snips are the shit. Lowes or Home Depot carry them. All the hydro shops around here too. I have about 6 pair of them.
Yeah husa, we are in a new age
Here are my soldiers all lined-up & ready for battle!

P.S. But those old ones still trim well!

I'm not a fan of the "spring loaded" scissors myself, I know others that won't use anything else. My weapon of choice is the Westcott 4" titanium curved embroidery scissors. I got my first pair at Walmart, now I get them on line for $4 a pair with free shipping, just ordered 4 more pairs. They stay very sharp because of the titanium vs. steel, easy to use, and the curved blades kind of contours the shape of the buds.
I know we all have our preferences, this is mine.
Watch out for fingers!

I'm not a fan of the "spring loaded" scissors myself, I know others that won't use anything else. My weapon of choice is the Westcott 4" titanium curved embroidery scissors. I got my first pair at Walmart, now I get them on line for $4 a pair with free shipping, just ordered 4 more pairs. They stay very sharp because of the titanium vs. steel, easy to use, and the curved blades kind of contours the shape of the buds.
I know we all have our preferences, this is mine.
Watch out for fingers!


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Phew too much work to have to open the trimmers on your own lol thumb will be ready to fall off.
I have looked in all of the easy places & cannot find those pictures. There are some boxes in the attic & basement that I still have to look, but now I'm thinking they may have been "purged" at some point.
If & when I find them I will surely post them.
Sorry my bad

Thats more than ok, I just had trouble findings pics form last years grow lol... keep an I on my new thread over your winter. It is now in my sig
Have to use spring loaded! haha I like the blue ones with the curved blade. I stole ur idea JJ, scotch brite pad and pam works great! Trying to figure out why I never thought of this hahaha
is there some kind of world record for praying mantis?

I spoted this monster praying mantis on the bamboo fence next to the carport. There is about 6" between each row of wire!

This thing was huge!



LOVE THE MANTIS!!!! :bigjoint:
check it out doublejj!!!! we just need to get the side screen up. 2 more rolls of 6x20 shade screen and we are finished with it! :) are you proud? its not tall like yours but we wont need that much height until next season then we will add more screen when we lift it higher.



and shitting them too by the looks of how close the neighbors are...

Wow I just read that and I started busting up! Thats so funny! Yea i mean there close but in the bay area sac all of southern california inless you have a acre your neibors are close. Sometimes you are as lucky as me to have neibors like mine that will gladly help watch for smokin with them lol.

But yea its our gona be our first run! Wish us luck! haha more progress soon to come. Got some new ideas for next year as well.
Awesome Bonghitter, the IE has it going on!

I agree with them, & you didn't have to try to mimic everything, your neighbors are really close! Welcome to the 'Night Owl' club!
You'll be staying up with them if you want to keep them.
Hodge can verify, I don't live in the best of hoods. We are on constant alert right now.

Nice job bro, I'm very proud of you. You won't believe what's gonna come out of there:eyesmoke:

Awesome Bonghitter, the IE has it going on!

I agree with them, & you didn't have to try to mimic everything, your neighbors are really close! Welcome to the 'Night Owl' club!
You'll be staying up with them if you want to keep them.
Hodge can verify, I don't live in the best of hoods. We are on constant alert right now.

Nice job bro, I'm very proud of you. You won't believe what's gonna come out of there:eyesmoke:


How funny and yea i can imagine! I was thinking i gotta buy andrew a radio and a expresso maker! haha. I went back there its actually a big yard maybe bigger than mine. I saw how close yours were doublejj and i think yours may be closer than ours here at that yard. It will be interesting no doubt! We are goin to build a fence in the back for more privacy. Our Ds have grown a lot in there from I can see already! Thanks again everyone! A toast to great friends and times!
oh yes i know the neighbors are too close but i have a fence on one side and a tall hedge on the other. eventually there will be a 6 foot wood fence along the back where the chain link is.
i am usually up until 4 or 5 am so i would hear someone.
i got one of the long sides up. i just need to get one more roll for the other long side. its all boxed in almost now :) it looks way more discrete than it did before.some fuckers have been walking the neighborhood looking for houses to break into today. in broad daylight. stupid high school punks. if i believed in guns i would have a hand gun and shot gun but i don't so i won't have any. but i do have my dog who is a chow hybrid who is pretty alert and vicious to unfamiliar faces. i keep all my gates pad locked so unless somebody hops it which would shake my walls of the house or come from the neighbors behind me which is almost impossible because they have mean ass dogs.

double jj, yes we did have to copy you. because yours is great and we want to be great too the first time around. we want to build it and have everything on it before we start big. so we dont have to tweak it and we can spend more time on the garden.


