4:20 means little to me now. Sad but true. what makes it worse is when some d***head jumps up and says way too loud (no matter where we are or what were doing) "hey bro, its 4:20. time to smoke"
I do associate those type of ppl as the immature stoners who still think 4:20 is must time to smoke. for me it isn't (schedule) even a time i smoke...like hardly ever. Maybe every now and them but generally I get my smoking in either early morning or nights. during the day its rare that i have more than the random 1-2 hits sumtime during the day.
I feel the same about the DATE 420, to me its nothing. I think people are stupid and make it hell of obvious they are smokers on 420 (MMJ legal or not) and for what? to act stupid or get in trouble with the law. I mean even if you're legal (which many who go nuts on 420 are not...usually people who only smoke once or twice a year make it a point to smoke on 420) you're just advertising to the public/cops that you smoke mj.
I for one am someone who likes to keep it on the D/L even though im 100% legal in my state. I feel no need to give a cop a reason to mess with me or have a potential theif/robber come after me. On 420 I always see a ton of idiots wearing pot leaf shirts, walking in groups talking about how fuked up they are/gonna get, etc. It just pure stupidity.
I dont associate myself with that. Grower, smoker, legal (or not) shouldn't be dumb enough to reduce themselves to 15 year old boys (because thats what 420 reminds me of...)420 in high school when kids acted like they lost their mind because of the date