Wow, no response? What kind of guy are you? you couldn't even spend 15 minutes on my post and Riff Raff's videos to try and help this get this guy over 20 years off hisWow, woe woe woe...who are you calling "you people"?
I was about to sign this petition even though you hadn't commented on the viedos I had posted or how you liked the music and the lyrics and how the songs made you feel. I was going to sign the petition because I wanted to help this guy VS the other things and people and causes I could dedicate my time to helping, but now you refere to me as "you people".
Now i'm not sure, I want you to listen to the mix tape i'm about to make for you and post, I want to see if you care enough to listen to all the songs and watch the videos in their entirety and take the time to have some thoughtful comments and words of encoragement or advice for these people, then I will think about helping your friend and telling others to do so depending on weather or not I am moved by your dedication to others...
Old news. That always applied on the federal side.The whore house is out to screw over everybody that is legal, as in Cali or any other state. The turds just released a statement saying anyone with a MMJ card is in violation of federal law and has given up their 2nd amendment rights (bullshit!). What part of "inalienable, God given" do they not understand? Anyway, I'm not signing jack on the whorehouse website.
The marijuana was denied a slow burning death. Oh the humanity. cnthis guy possesed marijuana, and only got 30 years?
for that kind of demonic witchcraft shit he deserves a slow burning death. not getting my signature.
i hope that marijuana got a successful exorcism.
The dude, who was some cocky fuck, on his 11th shipment, attempted to have 38 lbs of pot UPSed to him . He was 19 and an ADULT. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. ALso, the court dockets show he got 20 years, not 30. PLUS: It wasn't possession, it was trafficking and in Illinois, trafficking 5k grams or more across state lines is DOUBLE penalty : 12-60 years, he got off light.
That's one of the reasons the Alaska vote to legalize pot failed because in it was a clause that all convicted of pot were to be set free and compensated. Bullshit. These big time dealers can kiss my ass and DO THE TIME.
No pity whatsoever
You never even bothered to listen to the mix tape I made or took the time to comment on how it made you feel, you could at least do your part to show you care about this mans plight.Yah ... you think he should DO THE TIME aye? Yah well you do know in some states in the US you can get 10 years for just 3 plants being grown right? Wow that would suck on my part if I got fucked over like that. 10 years for a plant? Pffft fuck that.
That's just it: He was big time dealing/trafficking, not growing a bit in his backyard. Find someone else to be your poster child against marijuana laws, this one is a poor example. 37 pounds?Yah ... you think he should DO THE TIME aye? Yah well you do know in some states in the US you can get 10 years for just 3 plants being grown right? Wow that would suck on my part if I got fucked over like that. 10 years for a plant? Pffft fuck that.
you kinda suck...Well you're screwed then cause I'm a moral nihilist.
That's just it: He was big time dealing/trafficking, not growing a bit in his backyard. Find someone else to be your poster child against marijuana laws, this one is a poor example. 37 pounds?
ANd why state false facts about this guy anyways to persuade someone to sign a petition.
He is someones bitch that's for sure. Purdy lips
I know, I'm so naive. I know nothing about the supply chain of marijuana. It's just pot yes, but with dealings of this magnitude everything else follows, mainly violence. All I'm sayin dude is he gambled and lost. Boo-Hoo , I'm pathetic.You must not know much about the underground pot market and how it works. Where do you think your bud came from when you bought it from your dealer? If it wasn't your dealer your dealer got it from someone like this man. 37 Pounds would only last 3 months in this city before it was bought out. You are a pathetic human being. Its pot ... its not crack cocaine. The man sold POT! Get real here young Buck, its just bud off a plant.
You sure do. You sure kinda suck...