the chitown sourkush thread

this batch of indoor sk comming up has never seen temps higher then 74, and never lower then 67..... a 25k btu a/c unit and a 8 inch vortx pulling air from outside keep the room kool... the 3 1k lights were using this run are brand fucking new!!!!! and those plants are only being fed indonesian bat guano every other week.... there gonna be top notch.. i cant wait...
this batch of indoor sk comming up has never seen temps higher then 74, and never lower then 67..... a 25k btu a/c unit and a 8 inch vortx pulling air from outside keep the room kool... the 3 1k lights were using this run are brand fucking new!!!!! and those plants are only being fed indonesian bat guano every other week.... there gonna be top notch.. i cant wait...
my roots in the ground have probably never seen temps higher than 70 ;) (in reality it's probably even lower than that, dirt is an incredible insulator.)

gimmy some tips lol..... i think my dudes cam has auto focus..... i gotta take alotta shitty pix for a few good ones prolly lolol how u work the macro shots?
you gotta look for the option that shows a little leaf or flower or something. usually when you're on 'auto' mode, you just gotta tinker around with it.

once you get the cam tell me what kind it is and i'll dl a user manual for you and show you where macro shot is in it.
my roots in the ground have probably never seen temps higher than 70 ;) (in reality it's probably even lower than that, dirt is an incredible insulator.)

you gotta look for the option that shows a little leaf or flower or something. usually when you're on 'auto' mode, you just gotta tinker around with it.

once you get the cam tell me what kind it is and i'll dl a user manual for you and show you where macro shot is in it. its this one.....
ill give yall some pix right now....... first up is a batch of indoor grown cotton kandy kush i was smoking on a few days ago...
next on deck was some proper grown outdoor sour diesel.... smoked real good and high was great.... chemical grown.... but well cured.....
yea,thats looking good...the ckk
the other bud,dose look a lil harsh.

lol yes the outdoor was a lil ahrsher... but still made me retarded.... tommorow ill get some plant bud pix, some plant problem pix, and some insane dank indoor sour d pix and others
pictures are comming tommorow..... i borrowed my boy's 12.1 megapixle camera.... he has the cord..... so i can upload to photobucket then show on here.... i wanna show off my buds... and see what yall thinkl is happening to my foliage.... its about that time.... i may throw in some shots of what im smoking on now...

in the meantime, I'll keep bumping this to the top till I see them pictures. lol
new pics!!!

many of them are definitely in the final stretch, the purple kushes, the sour kushes, and possibly the super bud and the 80's kush. everything should be done by the 16-18 of oct.

midnight weaker pheno same dank smell tho:

better pheno of midnight, epic smell:

super bud:

kush leaning purple kush(actual purple buds in this pheno!!!)
samebud no flash, hella purple:and a big top:
another midnight good pheno:

80s kush:

purple kush (gdp leaning pheno) looks like it's gonna be done in a week, smells SO good

sour KUSH
some pure sk seeds ;):
smaller sk, has a similar smell to the diesel pheno but I can't be sure till I smoke it.

I noticed the sour kushes have slightly different colored hairs this year with the organics, maybe it's a phenotype thing too, but I have a feeling the organics has something to do with it aswell.