the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
you need to sk seeds to someone with an indoor ;) , so you can get pics n exposure.
yeah i think by now the words out on the real sourkush...... i think when dna tryed to copy me everybody knew what time it is.... see the thing is with all the pure genetics of years past they cant really get the same result i did.... too many smart people made these origenal dank as sstrains clone only... everything nowadays it either crossed to something very similer to try and recreate that strain, or just waterd down...


Well-Known Member
yeah i think by now the words out on the real sourkush...... i think when dna tryed to copy me everybody knew what time it is.... see the thing is with all the pure genetics of years past they cant really get the same result i did.... too many smart people made these origenal dank as sstrains clone only... everything nowadays it either crossed to something very similer to try and recreate that strain, or just waterd down...
and im not at all trying to say shit nowadays is somehow weaker.. im just saying its not the same even though the names are


Well-Known Member
yeah I mean common are my pics really that bad? tryna, check my journal. we don't need an indoor grower for more 'exposure' last time I checked HPS light really fucks with the look of the bud a lot more than sunlight (cloudy days rule for pics btw.) but I'm not against chitown getting you some seeds after I get him some seeds from this crop.

just wait next cloudy day I'll take some mean ass bud pics.


Well-Known Member
i saw the sun for about an hour today..... lol...... hope that bitch comes back....
damn bro, hope you get a good few days of sun soon, would be very good for your plants at this stage

but hey even an hour of light is good, they still grow in the cloudy weather ;)


Well-Known Member
man i got a lil master kush and a lil purple kush and still a whole lotta sick ass sour d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im retardly high on a very complex level......


Well-Known Member
not me I have a good amount of thc bomb x bubble gum, 2 year old sativa, a lil church, and some purple bubba pheno (not as stoney).

probably a good thing though I need to be atleast semi sober to be guardin the plants.

good news though, half the hairs on the Sk's turned orange today!!!! like literally all of a sudden, pretty epic.

the shorter sk is smelling like the diesel pheno did last year, but I can't be certain that it is the diesel pheno until I test the high after curing and thoroughly smoked several times before being sure.


Well-Known Member
not me I have a good amount of thc bomb x bubble gum, 2 year old sativa, a lil church, and some purple bubba pheno (not as stoney).

probably a good thing though I need to be atleast semi sober to be guardin the plants.

good news though, half the hairs on the Sk's turned orange today!!!! like literally all of a sudden, pretty epic.

the shorter sk is smelling like the diesel pheno did last year, but I can't be certain that it is the diesel pheno until I test the high after curing and thoroughly smoked several times before being sure.
im going to see mine soon...... its still raining here off and on... yuck!!!!!


Well-Known Member
im going to see mine soon...... its still raining here off and on... yuck!!!!!
damn that sucks ass bro hopefully everything is alright... we have some rain in a few days here but I'm betting it's gonna be light... gotta get some new greenhouse plastic asap as my old stuff degraded. after I get some new greenhouse plastic I'll be more chill tho. been reinforcing the fence too, using the metal of the hogwire to basically hold the rest of the wire in place.

I basically designed it so if someone tries to rip down a particular part of the fence, the whole thing distributes the stress like a web, basically impossible to get into in a short period of time (less than a minute)

only 14 days till the harvest moon, probably will wait a day or two after the harvest moon to harvest, dunno yet. I'll judge based on how done the buds are.


Well-Known Member
man still cloudy has fuck........!!!!!! and now they extended the rainfal untill tommorow which will make 8 str8 days!!!!


Well-Known Member plants were like heavy overwaterd looking from the rain.... i had to prop up a big sk with my shovle and leave it like that.... i didnt feed today because of how overwaterd shit was... i should prolly wait a day or 2 untill i feed.... and that burn is still there eating shit at a slow rate... the good news is everythings alive.... all the buds are super crystally has fuck, and there getting hard has hell.... even the tahoe og kush which is like halfway thew bloom or so has some hard top buds... the cali hash plant has solid fucking nuggets!!! i may chop her down sometime next week..... her hairs are starting to turn over.... the violator kush now needs to be proped up somehow.... it looks. smells insane.... its got like maybe 2-3 weeks left...

i just smoked some of the dry premature sk i chopped last week just to sample.... a small bowl got me rocked has fuck!!!!!! id its stronger then the super proper indoor purple kush, master kush, and sour diesel i have.... some crazy shit i know


Well-Known Member
pictures are comming tommorow..... i borrowed my boy's 12.1 megapixle camera.... he has the cord..... so i can upload to photobucket then show on here.... i wanna show off my buds... and see what yall thinkl is happening to my foliage.... its about that time.... i may throw in some shots of what im smoking on now...


Well-Known Member
lol what you talking about..... we have the same sourkush..... mine will be everybit has powerful has yours.... even with all the issues i been having...

every bit as powerful even with all the issues you've had? idk about that one buddy... maybe super dank and almost just as good, but I can't agree with you saying its gonna be every bit as powerful with all the lack of sunlight and nute issues you've had...

I still think its gonna be off the chain, but to say it's gonna be every bit as powerful as mine which have no burns and have been getting almost constant sunlight for 4 months straight is far fetched to me.

pictures are comming tommorow..... i borrowed my boy's 12.1 megapixle camera.... he has the cord..... so i can upload to photobucket then show on here.... i wanna show off my buds... and see what yall thinkl is happening to my foliage.... its about that time.... i may throw in some shots of what im smoking on now...
make sure you figure out how to use that macro shot so you can get that camera to do you justice.


Well-Known Member
every bit as powerful even with all the issues you've had? idk about that one buddy... maybe super dank and almost just as good, but I can't agree with you saying its gonna be every bit as powerful with all the lack of sunlight and nute issues you've had...

I still think its gonna be off the chain, but to say it's gonna be every bit as powerful as mine which have no burns and have been getting almost constant sunlight for 4 months straight is far fetched to me.

make sure you figure out how to use that macro shot so you can get that camera to do you justice.

genetics play a far greater factor then enviorment..... my yield will be less my shit will be everybit just has good.... my shit is kiefed the fuck out too..... trust me....

and the indoor batch of sk getting chopped in 2 weeks is gonna be better then any bubba pheno sk grown anywere outside


Well-Known Member
genetics play a far greater factor then enviorment..... my yield will be less my shit will be everybit just has good.... my shit is kiefed the fuck out too..... trust me....

and the indoor batch of sk getting chopped in 2 weeks is gonna be better then any bubba pheno sk grown anywere outside
only reason I say this is because I had another SK in my backyard last year, didn't get nearly as much light or nutrient, and simply wasn't as dank, still got me damn high but it just wasn't as dank as the shit in full sunlight.

it doesn't really matter anyways, we're just talking this is gonna get you a little higher than this when both of them get you retardedly high.....

and highly disagree with your statement about the indoor sk being better than any grown anywhere outside, ESPECIALLY when you haven't tried any outdoor sk besides that grown in your state which is NOT known for having the best outdoor.