Homegrown bud vs. Street bud

As I embark on my first growing journey, I wonder-- how exactly does homegrown bud compare to street bud?

It's really hard to get good weed in New Jersey, and when I do get good weed, it costs $400 an ounce and was probably moved here all the way from California.

And so, I'm curious: How much better is homegrown weed compared to street weed? Is it noticeably stronger? Is it discernibly fresher? When I smoke homegrown bud for the first time, will it enlighten me to the point that I rethink my definition of what "good weed" is?


Well-Known Member
**uumm.. let me ask you.. where do you think street weed comes from?? think what you meant was commercial vs homegrown :P


Well-Known Member
I found that smoking home grown vs from dealer is much more satisfying :) you put so much care and love and time into it and finally harvest day comes. Since this is your first grow I know your gonna wanna chop it early.....take everyones advice and chop ONLY when its ready. Post pics here and ask what people think of the ready ness of it. after harvest go ahead and quick dry a few buds to smoke right away..... with the rest CURE it as described all over the place here. Compare the results and you will see curing is a much nicer smoke. Good luck on your new adventure/hobby you will be pleased. Also remember no one can tell if no one else knows ;)


Well-Known Member
The reason I began growing my own herb was so I didn't have to buy it from someone else. I know what goes into it, I enjoy growing it, and I get satisfaction from doing it. All around it's a good combination. You never know what is in some of this crap people sell these days. I've heard of people getting herb that was sprayed down with stuff, it's unfortunate.


Well-Known Member
Unless you directly know the place your supply is grown at you can't really assume that its street or whatever. But as far as the immediate question, yes homegrown is way better, here's why-

1) no transport. If you grew your own or sombody locally did than it wasn't commercially grown and transported a long distance. The more you transport, the more its moved and bumped and bashed around, thus knocking off TONS of the trichs.

2) commercial or "street" bud is not grown with the care homegrowers use. This means grow for yeild and not quality. Its often not dried properly and rarely if ever cured at all.

3) home grown buds don't support cartels or terrorists lol!
**uumm.. let me ask you.. where do you think street weed comes from?? think what you meant was commercial vs homegrown :P
I always knew that most people grow weed in their own indoor environment, but when I buy street bud the main differences are:

1) There is no strain differentiation with street bud. They are all sold to me as the same green shit, which implies to me that it's either some shitty strain or that little care was taken to grow the best weed possible. When I get to grow my own shit I get to choose from so many names that were never even a concern to the typical dealer!
2) From what I heard, when weed has to get moved across the country, after all that time it gets fucked up and loses some potency? I'm not entirely sure about this but it seems to me that weed smokes better right after the harvest.


Well-Known Member
I have yet to grow some Dank that is Equal to Clinic Top shelf 450 ounce stuff.. I am still learning. I grow some good & have supplied a clinic several times, but I have yet to really knock it out the park. Then again, I am still working on dialing it all in.


Active Member
still get a lot of dodgy homegrown out there, heard of a guy selling stuff that had been through his vaporiser already and even the bubble baggers out there have tried to sell me shit


Well-Known Member
I have met ppl who kief their bud before they sell it.. They put all the bud on a huge screen, and shake it vigorously causing the exterior trichs to fall off, then sell that kief along with the bud. >.<


Well-Known Member
Ya I used to get keifed shit, un trimmed shit, blah blah blah back in highschool. Then you work you're way up the ladder and we get the dank now! But damn in highschool when the dank did come it was like 320 a zip. Which looking back was cool, gotta make the kids pay a tax lol! Damn kids!


Well-Known Member
If your a mug you ll get shit imo i have nt toked properly for more than 6 years but neva stopped growin as its a second income and i love to see the smile on peeps faces when they know there getting proper dank bud and imo this means more 2 me than tryin to rip folk off bein on the ball imo is the peeps that do shit properly not the 1s that sell shit weed


Well-Known Member
The guru of growing, Jorge Castenada, tells us that we can take a seed from a bag of street reefer and grow better pot than the seed came from.
Problem with commercial bud is that it is harvested as cheaply as possible by usually dumb people. I've watched a major grower in Oaxaca while his
campesinos harvested their crop. Branches are stripped by grabbing a branch in the middle with one hand and stripping off all the greenery below that hand.
Buds, leaves and small stems are piled indiscriminately into a big round metal pot (or a garbage compactor if they have one) and pressed under pressure to
shrink it for transport. The bud is mishandled terribly and much of the psychoactive trichomes are destroyed or knocked off in the "harvesting" process. You
can greatly improve bag reefer just by handling it with respect.



Active Member
I dunno about California with all the dispensaries they have now. Perhaps the quality and selection have improved. but I've been buying weed for decades. For a while my dealer was a guy who sold to Hollywood. My dope is better than any I've bought. Not all of it. I've grown some disappointments but nearly always, it tastes better, smokes better and the high is better. No more groggy indicas. I didn't really know what an Indica high could be like until I grew my own. My cultivation skills are basic.

If you grow for money, you will avoid strains that are medicore or poor yielders, you will harvest for weight and you probably don't have the time or inclination to do a good cure. Then it gets handled a lot, and flattened. And the dealer can call it anything he likes. There's no way to be sure of the strain.

You will see when you harvest your first grow. Soon I hope :)


Well-Known Member
i like grow my own buds than on the street...I really hate people who kicking back with me and offer token to me...i smoked it...taste like a cigarettee and shit combined, they called it "stress" after that people called me for kick back with em but i never bother to stop by...or never offer my own buds...thats best security for yourself....never show off period...only wife know that i got good shit :p

Captain Ahab

Active Member
Bought Indica can be sleepy as hell. I remember this one batch of Grand Daddy Purple that felt like it was laced with Lunesta or some shyt. Proper harvest is crucial to a quality high. Best way to guarantee this is to do it yourself.


Active Member
I would rather grow, that way you know what went into it and you are limiting your exposure to risk, if you keep quiet and do it right you'll never need to hit the street again.


Well-Known Member
If your a mug you ll get shit imo i have nt toked properly for more than 6 years but neva stopped growin as its a second income and i love to see the smile on peeps faces when they know there getting proper dank bud and imo this means more 2 me than tryin to rip folk off bein on the ball imo is the peeps that do shit properly not the 1s that sell shit weed
dont have to be a mug to get ripped off .5 or a gram per eighth, which is pretty standard here. if people are getting shit from suppliers, then youll be getting shit from them. personally im just tired of buying off fucking 15 year olds, because anyone else that deals weed round here is also pushing coke/heroin and id rather not get in with that bunch