My 1st Time Anal.

the first night we lost our virginity together i stuck it in her butt on accident and didnt know
and she WENT WITH IT!

true story

†LOL† that reminds me of something I saw on discovery channel. It was so fucking scarring I had to share it with other people so I wouldn't be the only one damaged, so here it is...

It was a piece they did on elephant breeding, apparently the population of this breed wasn't doing so hot. So it shows this scientist walking with a briefcase, looking like he's ready to go in to perform surgery, and the narrator says, "The life of a scientist isn't all glamour, " Then cuts to the scientist harvesting semen. Now this is so much worse then you'd think. He wasn't handling the elephants junk, oh no, he put a bucket over the elephants shit to catch it, and then starts fist fucking this elephant up the ass as hard as he could while saying, "Thats a good boy, thats a good boy" It was like a train wreck, it was so fucking horrible, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. They won't let people cuss on regular tv, but fist fucking an elephant? Well thats just fine... †LOL† okay, I hope you are all sufficiently scarred...
the adventure ..... lol maybe im biased .... i swear to god i was fingering the fuck out of this bitch one night and she wanted me to give her the shocker ! she was reached down and directed a finger in her ass ..... and then SHIT ON MY FUCKING FINGER ?!?! i pulled it out and it had a brown whipped topping like a fuckin soft serve ...... fucked me up.
the adventure ..... lol maybe im biased .... i swear to god i was fingering the fuck out of this bitch one night and she wanted me to give her the shocker ! she was reached down and directed a finger in her ass ..... and then SHIT ON MY FUCKING FINGER ?!?! i pulled it out and it had a brown whipped topping like a fuckin soft serve ...... fucked me up.
was it nutty?