What is the standard "payment" for trimming help?

if you have less then 12 plants you will not want to have anyone help you. if you harvest less then a pound, just do it yourself. i wouldn't pay anyone shit to help me. im hella anal, i wouldn't want my friends grummy hands all over my shit. i seen how my friends treat there own weed, i wouldn't want them touching mine!! it boils down to you pay for what you get, and throwing a bbq and buying beers all adds up!! i am hella picky and i think i have had enough practice though, trimming a pound is nothing to me. i play Tetris with my buds/stems/leafs, and i have fun with it, i make sure that shit is done!! if i have to look over someones shoulder and keep telling them how to do shit, its just not worth it. guess in your situation, it depends on your patience, your yield, and your friends and how good you yourself can trim. if you have multipul pounds/plants, get a machine!!!!
If I ever had hella amount of bud to warrant trimmers I would hella pay them like 175$ a hella pound that they hella trimmed all hella nice. And maybe a few bottom nugs and a hella fat bowl of the hella dank..........
ive heard 20 an hr. Of course ou could do a gram an hour, if they work at a good pace.
I get a plant done in about an hr, a couple ounces off it. Maybe quicker, depends.
But I say do it yourself as well. Set aside a day or two, and get nice scissors, some beers, pack a couple and go to town!
Ruber gloves are a must, easy to take em off, take a break and eat/drink
ive heard 20 an hr. Of course ou could do a gram an hour, if they work at a good pace.
I get a plant done in about an hr, a couple ounces off it. Maybe quicker, depends.
But I say do it yourself as well. Set aside a day or two, and get nice scissors, some beers, pack a couple and go to town!
Ruber gloves are a must, easy to take em off, take a break and eat/drink

a gram is worth 10 bucks
If I ever had hella amount of bud to warrant trimmers I would hella pay them like 175$ a hella pound that they hella trimmed all hella nice. And maybe a few bottom nugs and a hella fat bowl of the hella dank..........

sounds like bay area prices. ;)
There has beenz hella urbonics up in this joint fohhh a whilez nowz!
Im hella slow whenz I typez like this yahhhh FEELZ ME?

:joint: Jayy's