• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Anyone here been caught, but didnt go to Jail?


Active Member
Anyone escape the strong arm of the law and live the tell the tale?

If so, how did it all go down?
1975, I was 19 yrs old and living with my girlfriend and another old girlfriend.....gotta love the 70's. The old girlfriend was selling coke to a state undercover narco off. This guy was hanging at the place waiting for her, (old girlfriend) to get back with a new batch of snow. I asked him if he wanted to smoke, which he politely declined. I had some original, PCP or dust smoke. Stop....I was just a kid.....and asked if he wanted to see it. He sticks his nose in the bag and takes a DEEP, DEEP inhale. His and my mistake.. He comes up breathing very hard, almost like he was hyperventilating. Next thing I knew, BAM, he punched me so hard in the face, I flew over a coffee table into a pile on the floor. My cousin and another friend started to get up and say "WTF" when he pushed my cousin into the other guy and boom, out the door he went. At this time, still had no clue he was Undercover narcotics officer, from the State no less... Fast forward 2 days later, 5:15 AM.. door is smashed in and boom, I'm in the middle of a drug raid. The next day local newspaper had me, Nancy, and my current girlfriend handcuffed, walking into the police station on the FRONT PAGE. The article stated that the undercover officers cover was blown 2 days before the raid.... Handcuffed, the cop in charge tells me they are really just after the old girlfriend for drug sales, and asks if I can help..hahahahahaha. I told him, her friends came over, right into her room with the door shut. I told him I thought she was a hooker!! He than informed me I was being arrested because my name was on the lease and had to be on the warrant also. he stated after the premises were thoroughly searched, and we were considered not involved, we would be released. Now, the apartment was on the 3rd floor with stairs leading up to the apt. On the other side of the apartment, where our bedroom was, was a sheer, 3 story drop to the street. The cops came through my bedroom window using a cherry picker crane! To get in, they moved a pot plant off thewindowsill and out of the way. I also had some cleaned weed on a little tray right next to one of the original glass smokers called a "Toker", next to the bed on the night stand. After being mugged, and finger printed, which I thought without charges was illegal.... my girlfriend and I were released. The Apartment was absolutely in shambles. But, the plant, and the tray of weed and the Toker, were left untouched in my bedroom! Real slick raid to say the least. That day, they made a total of 29 arrests, all linked to Nancy (old girlfriend). So my gal and I were never charged with anything, Nancy wasn't so lucky, she pleaded out to possesion, sales and distribution of Coke and PCP and got 3-5 years in State Prison. The first and LAST time I have been arrested!! Peace..

That Canadian

Active Member
I get caught smoking joints all the time.. never even been charged. Once they got me at a checkstop with a joint blazing... I gave them 2g's from my pocket with absolutley no hesitation (I had an O in my boxers).... and they let me go with a seatbelt fine.
That's because you're in Canada my man! If you're near Toronto let a fella know


Well-Known Member
Not to thread jack but thought this story kind of fits this thread...

One time in my young foolish fooloish days when I was either 17 or 18)... I got arrested for doing something really stupid (not gonna say what)....It ended up costing me a night in jail.....Anyways when I got arrested I had a nickel bag on me....I forgot how I did it...But I was wearing Chuck Taylor's at the time (I think high tops') and I somehow managed to put the nickel bag in my sneaker....

Well so we get to the station...pics taken, finger prints, and strip search.....Part of the search they told me to take my sneakers and hit them upside down against the wall...Well I knew I was in trouble...So I hit them kinda softly and nothing came out ! BUT then the cop says knock them harder again....So I do it and nothing comes out - woooo hooooo...BUT Cop says do it again and harder ! I was like I'm busted....

Well wouldn't ya know the nickel bag never feel out ! They escorted me to a cell and had me carry my Chuck Taylors where they sat outside my cell the whole night...Next day I was let go, with the nickel bag and all.....

So see this story is kinda opposite of the thread title...I went to jail with weed but didn't get caught :lol: :blsmoke:

Moral of the story: Chuck Taylor might be the best sneaker for hiding weed.


Active Member
forgot to add, a lot of times they have you talk to a probation officer before sentencing. sometimes if you ask to do community service instead of jail they will let you. it's usually 8 hours of work per day of jail. imo it's by far worth it. i'd rather work 8 hours then have the other 16 hours to be free minus sleep. not only that but community service really helps the community. i did custodial work in a big office building.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i walked in to a buddys house that was gettin searched by cops and they took my and put me and handcuffs found 5 grams of bud took me to jail over night and had to post bond and they never filed it threw the courts
im guessing because they found nothing else except the weed i had and my lawyer said its likely that they wouldnt since they didnt find what they were looking for in the house


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA that's awesome.. I hope they weren't there to bust it. And were just hanging out at buddy's for a sweet pic.


Well-Known Member
if someone walks they either

a. snitch
b. have a lawyer who gets evidence dis missed due to illegal search/seizure or other poor police work to get a case dropped
c. live in Alaska. I have never had any problems but theres always people getting raided in Alaska one dude had 100 plus plants and did not go to jail..

Alaska's modern-day gold rush goes to pot

By S.J. Komarnitsky
Anchorage Daily News

WASILLA, Alaska--The police knew they were close. They could smell it.
The resinous reek in the workshop could mean only one thing: marijuana. But where was the crop? There were no plants, no grow lights in sight.
But behind a panel in the back wall was a secret room. From there, it was a 10-foot drop by ladder to a concrete bunker. Inside a space the size of a small cabin, 400 green leafy plants sported enough bud, about 12 pounds, to keep dozens of tokers happily glazed for months. Estimated street value: $36,000 to $48,000.
Alaska's Matanuska and Susitna valleys are home to carrots, potatoes and giant vegetables, all displayed as the public face of northern agriculture. But the undisputed king of Alaska farming, the most profitable crop, is marijuana. A good batch sells, ounce for ounce, for as much as gold.
Over the past two decades the state has done its best to put this homegrown crop out of business. Police and drug agents have arrested growers by the hundreds, ripped up plants by the thousands and burned them in smoky pyres.
Nowhere in Alaska have pot growing and efforts to stop it been as concentrated as in the bedroom communities some 40 miles north of Anchorage.
But despite the nonstop multimillion-dollar effort that draws from state and local police, the National Guard and the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, marijuana farming remains rampant here.
Last year, 211 people in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough were arrested on
suspicion of or charged with growing or selling marijuana. They were men and women, young and old, employed and unemployed. Some were first-timers. Some had been busted before.
Statewide, as many as 113 people are in jail on state marijuana offenses. Another 600 are on probation. A quarter of them are in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, where the cases make up nearly a third of the local probation office caseload. Because no agency tracks marijuana cases, those numbers are estimates based on the most common marijuana charge: misconduct involving a controlled substance in the fourth degree.
Some people question whether this expense of time and money is worth the trouble.
"It's absurd," said Ken Goldman, who was Palmer district attorney for 10 years. "We're penalizing people that are average citizens whose only crime for the most part is they enjoy smoking."
Law-enforcement officials defend the effort as necessary to keep marijuana use in check. But even they estimate at best they intercept 10 percent of the crop. New pot farms pop up to replace old ones, sometimes even in the same place.
Alaska and marijuana have had a long and curious relationship. It was illegal for years. Then in 1975, for all practical purposes, its use in small amounts became legal. In 1990, residents voted to make it illegal. Two years ago, voters made it legal again for people with certain medical conditions to use with a doctor's recommendation.


Well-Known Member
i seen people go to jail for having whiskey and beer in alaska... i also seen on the deadliest catch a cop show up to the dock to see if a guy was smoking weed on the crab boat..no thanks @alaska...i am sure it is beautiful...but alaska is not much different on weed than where i live