hydro water temp?


Active Member
water temp doesn't matter right? i use aerogarden nd water gets warm. not too hot not too cold.

do i need to measure the temp inside of the water tank?


Active Member
I use a simple DWC with an airstone. I keep a few soda bottles filled with water in my freezer. When the water feels warm to my hand, I just drop a bottle into the bucket. I know this isn't very a precise or scientific method, but it works well for me since I'm cheap. What kind of system are you running?


Active Member
I use a simple DWC with an airstone. I keep a few soda bottles filled with water in my freezer. When the water feels warm to my hand, I just drop a bottle into the bucket. I know this isn't very a precise or scientific method, but it work well for me since I'm cheap. What kind of system are you running?
aerogarden bro.


Well-Known Member
keep temps below 70 if possible and A:either run H2O2( a sterile res) or B: run beneficial bacteria and fungi.


Active Member
correct me if i am wrong.

heater helps to maintain temp. i can set up the temp before i put it in the water. right?

what is the best temp for the rootS?


Well-Known Member
One moment, I can't believe I just promoted uninsulated buckets, got igloo coolers instead.


Well-Known Member
That thing has a small res and apppears to have a water pump , this will lead to pretty high temps I'm thinking, not too mention you'll be adjusting ph a lot.


Active Member
That thing has a small res and apppears to have a water pump , this will lead to pretty high temps I'm thinking, not too mention you'll be adjusting ph a lot.
yeah.. i getting meter, nd down kit. thanks for fast reply