What is this DISCOLORING?!


leaf discoloring.jpg
I STILL cannot figure out why my leaves are turning a brownish orange color! Has anyone had this issue before or know what this is all about?!?!Its starting to take over and dont wanna ruin my harvest so im wondering if i should cut my losses and harvest now.Shes gonna be in her 6th week of flowering Monday.Hope this picture helps!


Oh and forgot to mention for about a week now there hasnt been much sun, just cloudy and rainy not great weather if that helps....


Nahh,i tend to monitor about everyday and ive never noticed and type of bugs at all so im clueless to what it can be.It seems to be gettin worse every couple days and its weird that im down to my final couple weeks and this starts! So like i said before idk if i should just cut her down now and harvest slightly early before it gets worse....i cut off a little sample last night to check the triccomes and its not exactly 50/50 amber/cloudy tricomes but i let my friend smoke the small portion i picked off and he was outa his mind ripped so i know its pretty potent at this stage...


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't just cut it down. Could it be a fungus of some sort? What's the texture like?

What are you feeding it?


the leaves feel fine just like they should..idk if its a fungus and im just giving it water and a couple weeks ago i just assed some standard nutrients soil i forgot the name but ive never had this problem until now...im gonna see what happens next week if i get some more sun and if it gets worse im just gonna harvest
It looks like it could be a disease of some sort. I'm not 100% sure. If the sample was really good, I'd just go ahead and cut it pretty soon, especially if that problem is progressing rapidly.


Active Member
Magnesium deficiency? Don't harvest early. No matter what's wrong you won't lose what you already have (since it's not mold) and even if its stunted it will still progress if you leave it in.
If it's in a pot maybe you should give it a good flush and start a good dose of blooming nutrients again. If you have it or want to get something then try a cal/mag treatment with a foliar spray.

Oh one last though, are there other plants next to or close by? Are they having the same thing? A pest won't just attack one cannabis plant and ignore the other ones close by. If it's only happening to one plant out of a few in the same area it's definitely a deficiency.


Well-Known Member
what nutrients do you give them and whats in the soil? and when did you feed with nutrients last. it looks like a deficiency to me


Loks like a calmag prob, couple with possibly overwatering, u said its been cloudy,rainy, and those are classic symptoms bro


Active Member
Looks like it's calcium deficient. You can use dolomite lime added to your water to clear it up in 1-2 waterings. If possible crush the lime up a bit before adding to the water. You could probably use 1-2 tbs per gallon.


Well-Known Member
yo Sampas, im not sure about your plant but if you can post more pictures of different angles ? because I had those same spots and edge on my plants before....also it was very humditiy at my home, its outdoor grow so i found out that mine was foliar diease, issue with PM/mold, if you use manifier on the bottom leaves with white smear ? its season to season of PM or leaf diease...did you check outside of any tree or plants surround by ya ? some of them are resistant to that foligar diease so you should see some of plants already spotted white or wilted...once again i cant say for sure about your plants...at first I thought it was nitrogen def due nute lockout ? but everything is fine...can you picture bottom of the leaves ? it will help more. thanks


Well-Known Member
Dude if anything it looks like over nutes. I some on the save marks on some of my plants. And i feed them a hefty amount of nutes.. Thats my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Doesnt look like a deficiency to me really when I had a problem similar to that I found it ti be my well water which was to rusty but idk I probably wouldent cut it if its only effecting the fan leaves and not new growth, good luck hope ya get some fat nuglets


Active Member
Look people here are making the mistake and thinking pouring a truckload of nutrients in will fix a deficiency. In my earlier post I said flush the grow medium out then go the nutes again. I also said foliar feeding could help. The problem is too much of one nutrient, such as N could block out the uptake of others. Not just that but the PH of your medium and other conditions can cause lock out too.
I really think you should clean your medium and make sure the PH is in the right range for what ever it is you are using and then give a good lot of nutrients (not excessive, i mean just average fair dose like the bottle says) with a special calcium/magnesium treatment because that really is what it resembles.
Burn doesn't look like little blotches. If it's not an insect biting the leaf and sucking out spots (which you can confirm by seeing it on similar plants close by) then it's exactly what they make the cal/mag treatment to cure.


Well-Known Member
I think Pandan is right.
Look people here are making the mistake and thinking pouring a truckload of nutrients in will fix a deficiency. In my earlier post I said flush the grow medium out then go the nutes again. I also said foliar feeding could help. The problem is too much of one nutrient, such as N could block out the uptake of others. Not just that but the PH of your medium and other conditions can cause lock out too.
I really think you should clean your medium and make sure the PH is in the right range for what ever it is you are using and then give a good lot of nutrients (not excessive, i mean just average fair dose like the bottle says) with a special calcium/magnesium treatment because that really is what it resembles.
Burn doesn't look like little blotches. If it's not an insect biting the leaf and sucking out spots (which you can confirm by seeing it on similar plants close by) then it's exactly what they make the cal/mag treatment to cure.


Well thank you all for the input it can very well be any of those things i suppose.I went ahead and cut it anyway because this morning it got worse....only had bout 2 more weeks to go.Harvest took me a good 5 hours! Reeked my whole house up but smells spectacular!I wanna go ahead and say it was an over watering issue.It just recently started and notice there hasnt been much sun at all it was all cloudy and rainy also humid so thats what my best guess would be.Got everything cut up and got my finished product curing in a glass jar but i also saved all of my crystalized leaf clippings think im gonna make some hash.Anyone got any good experience making it?!


Active Member
Oh dear lord it's like hearing about a murder :|
I sure hope you made a mistake some how and it wasn't a whole two weeks before it was supposed to be ready- because that's a long time.

I thought even though we argued about other points the general consensus was don't cut it early?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
at first i thought mites...but i had a cindy that did this and had no mites..i fixed it with cal mag+

looked like lil rust spots like those