NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
I've posted pics a bunch of times its still only like 2 weeks old:-( I still working on my 5th node hahahahah wait maybe 4th idk i'll post in a few days.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
anyone got pics then or are they trying to blagg there way through this comp...
I'd take pics but I'm about to transplant it so don't really see a point, esp. considering next comp. this one has fuckin' blown up and I'm keeping my technique secret. The bagseed hasn't shown sex yet, if it turns out male I'm probably just out, the sage is gonna take way longer to finish that we have and I'm just gonna run it full bud cycle. The autos are being bitches I already chucked one another one is sprouted but looks awful, all UFOs and freebies.


Well-Known Member
Come on now wizard lol

You can get a pic posted if you really wanted to

Use your cell to take a pic , upload it to photobucket , then upload from photobucket to here

If you dont know what i mean , i mean once you take the pic with your cell you can send it to photobucket in a text

If you dont have a photobucket account , Its Free , make one lol

If your excuse is ( you dont have a cell ) borrow one


Everybody else is busting your balls , so i had to take one shot lol

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
haha my seedlings are crackin OFF lol, these bubba cola's have already caught up to the skywalker almost lol, they are only one node behind. One of ems showin insanely vigorous growth. On a side note the candy og i thought died well ITS ALIVE and well now, good thing i didnt take em out the cab lol


Well-Known Member
Morning Kev its evening here almost time for sleep. If i get a chance tomorrow i will post up a pic its still not much to see tho ahahhaha


Well-Known Member
Looks good Ngg

Now if we can only get wizard to post pics

Maybe he can work up a spell ,:lol:

Nothing but love wizard lol