
...true. When I was in college there was a deaf girl that I knew who 'showed me without showing me' that through her feet she was able to be aware of everything around her.
..."root yourself to the ground" - that's from a Yes song and it happened to be my intuitive response to the question. To my mind grounding is connecting to the earth - being aware and not too 'space-y'.
Music has always fascinated me. It seems almost like language. I have often had the sensation that a(n instrumental) musical phrase is communicating something but completely without the limitations (or benefits) of semantics.

Have you ever had the sensation that the tune and lyrics are a bad match?
Hi neer, yes I can say that much lyrical content does not match the music. I would think that it is because the artist is 'trying'. I play drums, I really enjoy polyrhythm, which to me is also a language. Something like complex number sets... music can be entirely fractal if it is allowed to do so. I hope that made sense... :)
Music has always fascinated me. It seems almost like language. I have often had the sensation that a(n instrumental) musical phrase is communicating something but completely without the limitations (or benefits) of semantics.

Have you ever had the sensation that the tune and lyrics are a bad match?

I am a musician and guess that 90% of the music I am famiiar with I don't know the lyrics to, vocal melody yes, lyrics no. All to often if I read the actuall lyrics they are different than I heard. And of the 10% of the songs I know the lyrics to I often feel they don't fit the song.
I am a musician and guess that 90% of the music I am famiiar with I don't know the lyrics to, vocal melody yes, lyrics no. All to often if I read the actuall lyrics they are different than I heard. And of the 10% of the songs I know the lyrics to I often feel they don't fit the song.

I have a tough time understanding sung lyrics. that part of my pattern recognition wetware has always been a bit patchy. What I like though are "mondegreens" ... examples of lyrics that weren't really there. A classic is thinking Jimi said " 'scuse me while I kiss this guy".

I always thought that the last line of "Stairway" was about Ant Cheese.
I also grin everytime I hear Floyd singing "We don't want no education" ...
(no dog's orgasm in the classroom)
Last line of paranoid. "I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late".
(end your)

I wonder how many sabbath records were burned/crushed from just this one alone? let alone whatever the backwards stuff was all about? Evil Evil band! :)
Thats my modern day phat.
Last line of paranoid. "I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late".
(end your)

I wonder how many sabbath records were burned/crushed from just this one alone? let alone whatever the backwards stuff was all about? Evil Evil band! :)
Thats my modern day phat.

Recently, I thought of recording a christian record backwards and playing it back to them. :o