eye exaggerate
Well-Known Member
...can you touch it?
...do you feel it?
nb: this is not a God thread
...do you feel it?
nb: this is not a God thread
Music has always fascinated me. It seems almost like language. I have often had the sensation that a(n instrumental) musical phrase is communicating something but completely without the limitations (or benefits) of semantics.
Have you ever had the sensation that the tune and lyrics are a bad match?
I am a musician and guess that 90% of the music I am famiiar with I don't know the lyrics to, vocal melody yes, lyrics no. All to often if I read the actuall lyrics they are different than I heard. And of the 10% of the songs I know the lyrics to I often feel they don't fit the song.
5 scences
Put a tick in Whatever is appropriate and then apply same thing to any other question
you can hear it, see it, and feel it through vibrations.
Deaf peope "hear" music through vibrations.
Last line of paranoid. "I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late".
(end your)
I wonder how many sabbath records were burned/crushed from just this one alone? let alone whatever the backwards stuff was all about? Evil Evil band!
Thats my modern day phat.
You Should!
Who said what now?