what are your hot spots?


Well-Known Member
lol well whats the one place that a person can kiss or whatever that gets you all fired up? we were talking about this before class today, like a group of 5 girls.
so whats your opinion?
most of the girls said neck, i said ear, and a girl said her collarbone


Well-Known Member
I like to use bat guano and humic fulvic acids to bring out the resins. Usually about one cup per fifty gallons of each an a half cup of sucanate to two or three pounds of compost. I don't miss school at all ....

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I love it when a man kisses and slowly licks the span between my neck down to my breast. I can feel his warm breath against my skin and if he presses his warm face against me and gently slides his hand from my hips up to ... Oh yeah. I like it right there.


New Member
Ears and lips. My god im a dude is it right to even say this?

Dick getting sucked feels great but getin your ear bit while shes moaning is fucking amazing

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Ooooo, that's a good one, too.

I remember the first night my husband and I... He started at my toes (all of them) and worked his way up to my lips. I don't think he missed an inch. Ohhhhh. Those were the days.

Starting on the hollow at the base of my throat and kissing your way down to the promised land. ;)