Big Brother Gives Infraction For Believing Homosexuality Is Wrong

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you seem to think there is some nobility in thinking of gays as "unacceptable".
you couldn't be more wrong. i see no "nobility" in either position. in fact, i make no moral judgement on homosexuality at all. what is at least a bit noble is standing behind your beliefs and advocating them, no matter how outrageously authority or society may wish to punish you for them. if proven wrong, one should be able to admit error with some bit of grace, but this isn't the case here. i understand your stance that homosexuality is within the limits of what should be considered "normality", but find you are stretching the very definition of that term. the day that some elemental difference is found in homosexuals, some difference in the brain's structure or chemistry or anything else that can be pointed to as reason for this reversal of the biological imperative, i'll be more than happy to concede the point. until then it remains aberrant behavior, neither negative nor positive connotation implied, and possibly even choice. if it is choice, it then becomes a question of whether it is a correct choice or if it is wrong or, as is so often the case, it simply doesn't matter. i would tend toward that last line of reasoning.

type 10 dots, highlight them, change the color to white.
you should put some secret message in there and then color it white. it would make things a bit more interesting.
Long before you were born but I have had my run-ins with "zero tolerance' when my son was in school. It is a fascist idea. Is this what people are paying taxes for? I've referred to public education as "places of indoctrination" before and this further proves my statement.

Yeah Public schools should be places where we can call blacks niggers, jews kikes and homosexuals perverted sinners that will burn in hell
Whats wrong with this country? Damn Multiculturalism.
I bet they also want to teach that some Muslims are actually American citizens
They want to put MY kid in a class with Brown People?
there are parallels.



These are somewhat parallel

View attachment 1802394
Yeah Public schools should be places where we can call blacks niggers, jews kikes and homosexuals perverted sinners that will burn in hell
Whats wrong with this country? Damn Multiculturalism.
I bet they also want to teach that some Muslims are actually American citizens
They want to put MY kid in a class with Brown People?

Oh my God, talk about emotional crap.....

Did you read the article? You obviously didn't because this post has nothing at all to do with what it says. Try dealing with the points in the article. You'll look much smarter.
I don't know where you got that bottom picture, but we both know that is not how American children pledge allegiance to the American flag. That's propaganda.

putting your hand over your heart instead of extending it in front of you is like wearing a bow tie instead of a neck tie. doesn't really change a whole lot. still an indoctrination/propaganda technique.
putting your hand over your heart instead of extending it in front of you is like wearing a bow tie instead of a neck tie. doesn't really change a whole lot. still an indoctrination/propaganda technique.

You don't love your country? You don't love America and what it stands for? You don't love the freedom and opportunity that we have and the fact that anyone can be a success in this great country?
... the day that some elemental difference is found in homosexuals, some difference in the brain's structure or chemistry or anything else that can be pointed to as reason for this reversal of the biological imperative, i'll be more than happy to concede the point.

they are already finding it. as with most everything, it is a combination between nature and nurture, but nature DOES play a significant role, as twin studies have shown.

reading large blocks of uninterrupted text is difficult for a stoned person to do, ya know
allow me to answer your question with a question: do i have to pledge an allegiance to an inanimate object to prove i love my country? or is it possible for me to love my country without doing so?

Actually you dont have to pledge allegiance at all nor do you have to say one nation under god

Drives the Righties Nutz
Actually you dont have to pledge allegiance at all nor do you have to say one nation under god

Drives the Righties Nutz

all the more evidence that the righties are nazis, and here is why.

that pledge of allegiance is a nationalistic device. so you could say they believe in nationalism.

and, their own health care idea proposed by the heritage foundation in 1989 has been often called 'socialism' by the righties.

so nationalism AND socialism? sounds like a bunch of national socialists, i.e. NAZIS!

lol. take this all tongue and cheek and don't have a conniption, righties. just having some fun.
The Timeline for when the Republicans answer to health care is now what we call "Obamacare".
Here is a Snippet:

December 2, 1993 - Leading conservative operative William Kristol privately circulates a strategy document to Republicans in Congress. Kristol writes that congressional Republicans should work to "kill" -- not amend -- the Clinton plan because it presents a real danger to the Republican future: Its passage will give the Democrats a lock on the crucial middle-class vote and revive the reputation of the party. Nearly a full year before Republicans will unite behind the "Contract With America," Kristol has provided the rationale and the steel for them to achieve their aims of winning control of Congress and becoming America's majority party. Killing health care will serve both ends. The timing of the memo dovetails with a growing private consensus among Republicans that all-out opposition to the Clinton plan is in their best political interest. Until the memo surfaces, most opponents prefer behind-the-scenes warfare largely shielded from public view. The boldness of Kristol's strategy signals a new turn in the battle. Not only is it politically acceptable to criticize the Clinton plan on policy grounds, it is also politically advantageous. By the end of 1993, blocking reform poses little risk as the public becomes increasingly fearful of what it has heard about the Clinton plan.

Sound Familiar?
When I was growing up (60's) my best friend was Jewish so when we had to say the Pledge of Allegiance he sat at his desk. The other kids were jealous!
Late January 1994 - A critically influential -- and intensely controversial -- pair of articles appears on the Wall Street Journal's conservative editorial page and in the liberal New Republic. Written by an obscure staffer of the conservative Manhattan Institute, the fear-mongering articles paint a devastating account of the impact of the Clinton plan. The White House, and other independent experts, say the articles are filled with patent falsehoods and distortions. Notwithstanding the criticism, the articles become highly influential, especially in conservative circles. Newt Gingrich will later characterize them as "the first decisive breakpoint" in support for the Clinton plan.

Now Remember this was when the Republican Plan was "Obamacare" and Hillary Clinton wanted Universal coverage
allow me to answer your question with a question: do i have to pledge an allegiance to an inanimate object to prove i love my country? or is it possible for me to love my country without doing so?

No, you don't have to. Let me ask you a question....When you attend a sporting event or anywhere they play the National Anthem, do you remove your cap?
No, you don't have to. Let me ask you a question....When you attend a sporting event or anywhere they play the National Anthem, do you remove your cap?

Depends on how many drunk red necks are yelling at me to take it off
hate getting soaked with bear from the seats above me
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