Early pest problem, not much damage on plant yet help me save them! HELP!


Well-Known Member
Ok i took my big plant (bagseed plant from shwagg) which is in flowering outside for maybe 10 or so hours one day because i was doing some adjustments to the grow room. I brought it back inside no problem. 2 days later im seeing a few TINY white spots here and there, not too many. I ignored it.

I was looking on another thread through some pictures of budding plants and someone called out thripes or mites on a plant that had a problem like mine except much worse. I immediately went to my plant and from the top view i couldnt find any bugs. I looked under the most affected leaves and sure enough i found little bugs. I didnt take time to look exactly through the whole plant or see exactly what the bugs looked like. Theyre TINY tiny bugs, i also found small also TINY white sacks and some other little things that gad some clear substance on them. Now all of my findings are TINY. anyway i removed the plant from my closet immediately.

I also have my chocolope baby (3 weeks into veg) in the same room, it shows no spots or signs of bugs YET, not even under the leaves.

now here are my questions:

1)for my big plant, theres no way im putting back in my closet, im not risking the infection of the room if it isnt already. It is about 1 month into flowering. I only have one light which i plan on leaving for my other (chocolope) plant. What do yall recommend I do with this plant? can i spray something on it thats not harmful to me (when i smoke it) or plant? is there anyway to save the buds and keep flowering it?

2) my chocolope, can i spray something on it now or some sort of insecticide for the soil to prevent contamination or spread of infection?

i will take a better look at the plant tomorrow to see if i can determine what pest im dealing with. Ive already seen 2-3 different bugs that seem to cause the same effects on plants.


Well-Known Member
hot shot no pest strips <<<< google it.

Keep your plants in the closet and hit them with one of those. should kill the mites. worked for me anyway. another thing you can do is allow the temps to drop a bit, this will slow them down... also a sulphur burner helps too. add that with a hot shot strip and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
ill but the strips tomorrow and use them during the lights-off time, when theyll probably be the coolest temps.


Well-Known Member
sounds like spider mites... get a 30x jewelers loupe, or microscope and look under your leaves.... you will see what looks like tiny spiders. Kill them now- or they will start pitching tents. Do you have a hyrdo shop near you? They will have the product to kill them.

good luck



Active Member
neem oil for a couple of weeks. I just found the same thing on my flowering girl, the earlier the better.


Well-Known Member
sounds like spider mites... get a 30x jewelers loupe, or microscope and look under your leaves.... you will see what looks like tiny spiders. Kill them now- or they will start pitching tents. Do you have a hyrdo shop near you? They will have the product to kill them.

good luck

I do have a hydro shop near me, ill stop by and ask today.

still going to get the strips! thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
as for the neem oil im having trouble finding any near me, but ill ask the hydro shop maybe theyll have some.


Well-Known Member
found the strips, i bought one. I came home to find more little bugs on the lower branches of my plant, no so much on the top. i put the strip up and closed the door to my grow closet. we'll see later how it turned out.


Well-Known Member
found the strips, i bought one. I came home to find more little bugs on the lower branches of my plant, no so much on the top. i put the strip up and closed the door to my grow closet. we'll see later how it turned out.
good start - post a pic of the bugs so we can confirm for you - - - also - IMHO, using only strips will not completely wipe out spider mites.... I don't know if anyone on here can say otherwise - but keep us posted.



I've had spider mites before, pain to deal with.
I used the hot shot no pest strips, and ortho-elementals organic insecticidal soap. http://www.scotts.com/smg/catalog/productTemplate.jsp?proId=prod10270020&itemId=cat10060006
Got rid of them, not sure if the no pest strips worked, because I never found anything stuck to them.. At all. And I looked with a mag. glass.
Used the soap, diluted slightly with distilled water, in a pressure sprayer(on mist setting) every 3-5 days for a few weeks. No sign of them since.


Well-Known Member
the mites don't stick to the hot shot strips. i think you had something different.

the hot shot strips release a pesticide that kill all the bugs in the space. try not to breathe too deeply yourself while it is around. I run a perpetual grow and the strip worked for me. I didn't wash anything down.


Well-Known Member
Less than 24 hrs later and one night of the plants being fully enclosed in a 2x8x10 closet with the strip i cant find one damn little bug!! i can see little resin bubbles that i saw when i first found the bugs but thats about it. i tore off affected leaves (all smaller bottom leaves) and threw them away. everything else seems good.

Thanks Skunkushybrid01 +rep!!


Well-Known Member
good start - post a pic of the bugs so we can confirm for you - - - also - IMHO, using only strips will not completely wipe out spider mites.... I don't know if anyone on here can say otherwise - but keep us posted.

sorry i didnt see your comment... bugs are gone, if problem persists ill make sure to take pics


Well-Known Member
no worries..... I'm just glad for you that they're gone! I don't wish those bastards on my own worst enemy.... glad to hear the good news. Let me know if you need anything - my thread is in my sig.




Well-Known Member
her I am back to square one, my big plant shows no more signs of damage but now my chocolope is under attack!! last night i saw some discoloration of leaves but when i got home from work i noticed the biggest leaves were half eaten. I looked under some leaves and all i found was some small brown dots that looke dlike dust or dirt, but i did see some traces of white stuff under the leaves. These are the best pics i could take with my 3.5 megapixel cam phone. any idea of what im dealing with?

these first ones are from last night around midnight

and these are form today around 4 pm



New Member
Organic pest spray.
-2 garlic cloves(Remove skin)
-1 lemon (squeeze juice)
-Vinegar (bout a 1/4 cup)
-Hot sauce (pref. Tabasco)[10 Drops]
-H20 (bout a cup)
Mix all ingredients listed above into a blender and blend very well.
Then strain all excess material leaving only the juice.
Pour into a spray bottle! WAHLAH!
Note; If juice looks too red water down the solution.

Apply to underside of leaves or where infection on pest is spray every day until you see desired results.

Hope my organic pest spray recipe helps!

:joint: Jayy's