Big Brother Gives Infraction For Believing Homosexuality Is Wrong

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Long before you were born but I have had my run-ins with "zero tolerance' when my son was in school. It is a fascist idea. Is this what people are paying taxes for? I've referred to public education as "places of indoctrination" before and this further proves my statement.

i would often point out while in the principal's office that simply saying the pledge of allegiance everyday is propaganda on par with what the hitler youth would do.

they didn't take kindly to that.
Pretty much like our government has been doing to us. It is conditioning. Get to 'em early, make 'em behave. You better "toe the line" or else...

schools teach socialization and conformity alongside whatever you learn from the books.

if you don't see why some degree of socialization and conformity is necessary, i can't help you much.
What is your opinion of the teacher putting up a picture in the classroom of two men kissing and then telling children to accept it?

when i was in german class, i learned a lot of stuff about other countries (like germany) and how their culture differed from our own.

i do believe there are some gays in germany. would you rather the teacher 'indoctrinate' them into thinking that such is unacceptable?
I'm sure we all agree the circumstances were excessive, but this is not common.....

You guys are blowing this out of proportion IMO.
how often is too often? just how many times should we allow the authority of our public school system to tromp on the most basic rights of our children before we acknowledge that there is a problem? we bend over backward to accommodate their peculiarities and we celebrate their differences, but refuse them the simplest of basic human dignities. i'm so glad that neither your nor your sister had to witness or endure such things, but anecdotal denials are far from any proof that there is no systemic disease within our public education system. every few weeks we hear some story like this, quickly extinguished from the public consciousness and eradicated from the evening news. how many more instances go unnoticed and unremarked upon? i'd really like to know when y'all are going to quit making excuses for this shit? on this and similar sites i've seen posts screaming about the injustice of school officials refusing to allow such things as pot leaf motifs on student clothing, but the left merely shrugs off the silencing of anyone with which they disagree and actually attacking them if their stance is based on their christian faith.

for years we have derided school authorities for textbook inadequacies, historical bias and draconian efforts to stem the rising tide of violence and parental apathy. we have instituted programs for every special interest imaginable and continue to lower our standards in order to be as inclusive as possible. we are quickly abandoning the last vestiges of competitiveness, so as to not dent those fragile egos of our youth, and the result of it all has been a nation falling quickly behind every other industrialized nation in the world. we have so liberalized academia that one needn't even wake up to graduate from almost any public school in the land and it shows. it shows dull expressions of young adults everywhere and in their willingness to simply go along with whatever their indoctrination has taught them. dissent and critical thinking are discouraged, so they are both fast becoming extinct. maybe it's just as well. this way they'll never miss the individualism that the advance of collectivism will deny them.
i do believe there are some gays in germany. would you rather the teacher 'indoctrinate' them into thinking that such is unacceptable?
i would rather he simply taught the language and the general culture, without indoctrinating them one way or the other. the proper response to this student would have been to simply agree to disagree or, better still, to have ignored the comment altogether, but that sort of thing just isn't allowed anymore. it is now seen as necessary for the development of the young for their teachers to enforce their own views upon them. i can just imagine your caterwauling, had it been the teacher who held these views and attempted to silence some pro-gay student.
...anecdotal denials are far from any proof that there is no systemic disease within our public education system. every few weeks we hear some story like this...

according to you, we hear about these types of stories 'every few weeks', so perhaps you can find me a few.

and if you want to call being punished for saying that you believe it is wrong to be born a certain way is some sign of a 'systemic disease' within the public education system, you are beyond all curing.

he might as well have said "i think it is wrong to be chinese" or "i think it is wrong to have red hair".
i would rather he simply taught the language and the general culture, without indoctrinating them one way or the other. the proper response to this student would have been to simply agree to disagree or, better still, to have ignored the comment altogether, but that sort of thing just isn't allowed anymore. it is now seen as necessary for the development of the young for their teachers to enforce their own views upon them. i can just imagine your caterwauling, had it been the teacher who held these views and attempted to silence some pro-gay student.

so let's flip the situation.

i am sitting in a german classroom, the teacher takes out a picture of two men kissing and says "this is happening all over the world, it is a part of our culture and theirs, and it is unacceptable".

damn straight i would be "caterwauling".

you seem to think there is some nobility in thinking of gays as "unacceptable".

btw, if i were the teacher, i would have punished the student simply for interrupting my class, regardless of what his comment was.
i would often point out while in the principal's office that simply saying the pledge of allegiance everyday is propaganda on par with what the hitler youth would do.

they didn't take kindly to that.

You might have a point if the USA was Hitler's Germany, but it's not. Duh!!!!
so let's flip the situation.

i am sitting in a german classroom, the teacher takes out a picture of two men kissing and says "this is happening all over the world, it is a part of our culture and theirs, and it is unacceptable".

damn straight i would be "caterwauling".

you seem to think there is some nobility in thinking of gays as "unacceptable".

btw, if i were the teacher, i would have punished the student simply for interrupting my class, regardless of what his comment was.

The children in the public school system do not belong to the state and they do not give up their constitutional rights when they enter the school. This teacher put up pictures on the classroom wall of two men kissing. Is this a class room or a gay bar?

If the teacher put up a picture of Jesus you would crap your pants.
The children in the public school system do not belong to the state and they do not give up their constitutional rights when they enter the school. This teacher put up pictures on the classroom wall of two men kissing. Is this a class room or a gay bar?

If the teacher put up a picture of Jesus you would crap your pants.

by the time i graduated high school, i spoke spanish at the level of a native. my senior year, i took a course designed for native speakers (only gringo in the school to do so).

if you don't think that there was a shit ton of jesus paraphernalia in that room, you would be mistaken. did i crap my pants? nope.

and as i said, there are LIMITS on what speech the first amendment protects outside of public schools, and even more limits on what the first amendment protects inside the school. it is not, as you wish to put it, "giving up your constitutional right".

in high schools, they often have searches that would not be allowed under the 4th amendment anywhere outside of a public school. right or wrong, it is well known that your constitutional protections shrink in scope inside public schools.
You might have a point if the USA was Hitler's Germany, but it's not. Duh!!!!

there are parallels.


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