Obama is it because he is Black or Democrat

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New Member
The Racists are just a voting Bloc the Republicans are trying to keep

See Nixon
Southern Strategy
Yea the racist have a majority and they are all powerfull...yea right dude...the racist make money off your sponsoring of them so how about you quit supporting them...ignore the ignorant fucks


New Member
The Fed was legislated into existence and can only be legislated out of existence; It seems any executive order trying to undermine the power of the Fed would also undermine the seperation of powers written into the constitution and therefore would warrant a challenge, wouldn't it?
back on topic -

No - The current federal reserve was cooked up by banksters in 1910, protection of the federal reserve is not part of the constitution...The power was only further increased nixon when the gold standard officially was put out of business, 'Undermining the power of the federal reserve' is to undermine the fraudsters in favor of the people and in favor of the constitution and our founding fathers. Transparency in monetary policy is a goal we should all support.

Ron Paul said:
Congress created the Federal Reserve, yet it had no constitutional authority to do so. We forget that those powers not explicitly granted to Congress by the Constitution are inherently denied to Congress – and thus the authority to establish a central bank never was given." - Ron Paul
But transparency and oversight are something else, and they’re worth considering. Congress, although not by law, essentially has given up all its oversight responsibility over the Federal Reserve.

The federal reserve in its current state was passed by banker funded president Woodrow Wilson, who in I believe 1913 or 1914 while congress was on Christmas vacation established the federal reserve, later Nixon gave the FED permission to print money out of thin air creating a situation of fiat currency, the oldest scam known to man.

Now that this bubble has grown so monstrous, the inevitable collapse is coming soon, corporations have begin to stash away their money, the big energy and oil companies have began to invest in 'Carbon Credits' a new fiat currency, again creating money out of thin air, creating a new bubble, this is also related to the cap and trade system, the system in which you get paid to do less, creating more money out of thin air.

All of this money out of of thin air, guees what, you can't have any of it, want to withdraw that dollar you invested? The same dollar which they made thousands off of? The same dollar that paid you only 2 cents a year? Fine you can have your $1.02 cents but that will be a 50 cent transaction fee.

From Dr. Ron Pauls Book End the FED:

Even before a currency collapse occurs, the damage done by a fiat system is significant. Our monetary system insidiously transfers wealth from the poor and middle class to the privileged rich. Wages never keep up with the profits of Wall Street and the banks, thus sowing the seeds of class discontent. When economic trouble hits, free markets and free trade often are blamed, while the harmful effects of a fiat monetary system are ignored. We deceive ourselves that all is well with the economy, and ignore the fundamental flaws that are a source of growing discontent among those who have not shared in the abundance of recent years.

Few understand that our consumption and apparent wealth is dependent on a current account deficit of $800 billion per year. This deficit shows that much of our prosperity is based on borrowing rather than a true increase in production. Statistics show year after year that our productive manufacturing jobs continue to go overseas. This phenomenon is not seen as a consequence of the international fiat monetary system, where the United States government benefits as the issuer of the world’s reserve currency.

Government officials consistently claim that inflation is in check at barely 2%, but middle class Americans know that their purchasing power – especially when it comes to housing, energy, medical care, and school tuition – is shrinking much faster than 2% each year.

Even if prices were held in check, in spite of our monetary inflation, concentrating on CPI distracts from the real issue. We must address the important consequences of Fed manipulation of interest rates. When interest rates are artificially low, below market rates, insidious mal-investment and excessive indebtedness inevitably bring about the economic downturn that everyone dreads.

We look at GDP numbers to reassure ourselves that all is well, yet a growing number of Americans still do not enjoy the higher standard of living that monetary inflation brings to the privileged few. Those few have access to the newly created money first, before its value is diluted.

For example: Before the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system, CEO income was about 30 times the average worker’s pay. Today, it’s closer to 500 times. It’s hard to explain this simply by market forces and increases in productivity. One Wall Street firm last year gave out bonuses totaling $16.5 billion. There’s little evidence that this represents free market capitalism.

In 2006 dollars, the minimum wage was $9.50 before the 1971 breakdown of Bretton Woods. Today that dollar is worth $5.15. Congress congratulates itself for raising the minimum wage by mandate, but in reality it has lowered the minimum wage by allowing the Fed to devalue the dollar. We must consider how the growing inequalities created by our monetary system will lead to social discord.

GDP purportedly is now growing at 3.5%, and everyone seems pleased. What we fail to understand is how much government entitlement spending contributes to the increase in the GDP. Rebuilding infrastructure destroyed by hurricanes, which simply gets us back to even, is considered part of GDP growth. Wall Street profits and salaries, pumped up by the Fed’s increase in money, also contribute to GDP statistical growth. Just buying military weapons that contribute nothing to the well being of our citizens, sending money down a rat hole, contributes to GDP growth! Simple price increases caused by Fed monetary inflation contribute to nominal GDP growth. None of these factors represent any kind of real increases in economic output. So we should not carelessly cite misleading GDP figures which don’t truly reflect what is happening in the economy. Bogus GDP figures explain in part why so many people are feeling squeezed despite our supposedly booming economy.

But since our fiat dollar system is not going away anytime soon, it would benefit Congress and the American people to bring more transparency to how and why Fed monetary policy functions.

For starters, the Federal Reserve should:

Begin publishing the M3 statistics again. Let us see the numbers that most accurately reveal how much new money the Fed is pumping into the world economy.
Tell us exactly what the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets does and why.
Explain how interest rates are set. Conservatives profess to support free markets, without wage and price controls. Yet the most important price of all, the price of money as determined by interest rates, is set arbitrarily in secret by the Fed rather than by markets! Why is this policy written in stone? Why is there no congressional input at least?
Change legal tender laws to allow constitutional legal tender (commodity money) to compete domestically with the dollar.

How can a policy of steadily debasing our currency be defended morally, knowing what harm it causes to those who still believe in saving money and assuming responsibility for themselves in their retirement years? Is it any wonder we are a nation of debtors rather than savers?

We need more transparency in how the Federal Reserve carries out monetary policy, and we need it soon.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
[ QUOTE=Beansly;6335309]I thinks it's cause the republicans secretly love him and they can't stand it.

Real cute that you buy into his little excuse...real cute
How is that not true? The republicans NEVER gave him a chance from the beginning. They have been fighti.g against everything he has tried to do, everything. For the people who historically are too stupid to even be able to recognize.they fucked up, they sure are emphatic about not letting anyone else have a try...whys that?


New Member
[ QUOTE=Beansly;6335309]I thinks it's cause the republicans secretly love him and they can't stand it.

How is that not true? The republicans NEVER gave him a chance from the beginning. They have been fighti.g against everything he has tried to do, everything. For the people who historically are too stupid to even be able to recognize.they fucked up, they sure are emphatic about not letting anyone else have a try...whys that?

theres a lot a president can do without congress, a lot of VERY positive things he could do, as I have discussed in detail on these forums, he has done NOTHING for humanitarianism and NOTHING for progression, NOTHING for the people, same old shit, ZERO CHANGE.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I thinks it's cause the republicans secretly love him and they can't stand it.
theres a lot a president can do without congress, a lot of VERY positive things he could do, as I have discussed in detail on these forums, he has done NOTHING for humanitarianism and NOTHING for progression, NOTHING for the people, same old shit, ZERO CHANGE.
Really???? Your nuta, the reason you say hd has done notthing good is because you dismiss everythi.g good he has done and call it bad, agaon, to save face. You dont think trying to give everyo.e health care was something for the people? Or increasing grants for adults to go back to college? And no, there iant a ton you can do without congress, it was intentionally designed that way.


Well-Known Member
Really???? Your nuta, the reason you say hd has done notthing good is because you dismiss everythi.g good he has done and call it bad, agaon, to save face. You dont think trying to give everyo.e health care was something for the people? Or increasing grants for adults to go back to college? And no, there iant a ton you can do without congress, it was intentionally designed that way.
First off the last portion of this is not a direct attack on you Phil,just some personal rage I have towards grants.

Healthcare for everyone in theory is brilliant,but could It even work for the country that is approaching 15 tril. in debt? I honestly got sick of politics around early 2009(really before that circa 2005 gave up on bush, definitely gave up on Obama), I'm really not sure how he has it set up..But I assume everyone is offered government healthcare and can also buy a plan of their own? I would think it would end up like social security...I'm a middle class white college student, my parents make NOWHERE near enough to send me to school.Yet I don't qualify for a grant.I have to pay for all of my schooling/assets,(apt. car insurance etc. by no means a sob story ,fuck that noise) I hate hearing the fucking word Grant....STUDENT FUCKING LOANS,Everyone should have to get them. Wonder why I smoke weed.


Active Member
First off the last portion of this is not a direct attack on you Phil,just some personal rage I have towards grants.

Healthcare for everyone in theory is brilliant,but could It even work for the country that is approaching 15 tril. in debt? I honestly got sick of politics around early 2009(really before that circa 2005 gave up on bush, definitely gave up on Obama), I'm really not sure how he has it set up..But I assume everyone is offered government healthcare and can also buy a plan of their own? I would think it would end up like social security...I'm a middle class white college student, my parents make NOWHERE near enough to send me to school.Yet I don't qualify for a grant.I have to pay for all of my schooling/assets,(apt. car insurance etc. by no means a sob story ,fuck that noise) I hate hearing the fucking word Grant....STUDENT FUCKING LOANS,Everyone should have to get them. Wonder why I smoke weed.
im confused so your mad because you have student loans what is it?


Well-Known Member
I don’t know which it is or maybe it’s neither but I never seen so much hatred for a president so what is it and don’t say it’s because he does not do what he says he was going to do because if that’s the case then we would be talking about every president. I’m not posting a thread to bash Obama but I would love to know why he’s hated so much. Is it because he black or democrat.
You remember a guy named Bush? The country hated him more. Was it because he was white? People always turn their anger towards the government in bad times. Obama is the poster child for the current times, just as Bush was before.


Well-Known Member
You remember a guy named Bush? The country hated him more. Was it because he was white? People always turn their anger towards the government in bad times. Obama is the poster child for the current times, just as Bush was before.
True but who else we going to blame for their piss poor job


Well-Known Member
hmm, the majority of the people are in debt same as the government, i dont see the difference. both have equally badly run their shit.


Well-Known Member
hmm, the majority of the people are in debt same as the government, i dont see the difference. both have equally badly run their shit.
Most private citizens are not 6-7 years worth of salary in the hole. Having debt is one thing, being unable to pay your bills is another.


Well-Known Member
Hey And Fucktard

Afghanistan Never posed a risk to Israel

But they did harbor and give santuary to Terrorists who killed 3000 american men women and children 10 years ago
Pretty sure that the guys who ran the planes into those buildings did not survive to then go to Afghanistan. What country was OBL found in?

Jack Fate

New Member
I think we need to take over Pakistan to make sure it doesn't get taken over by Islamists who are itching to use a nuke. We're not dealing with rational people here like the Soviet Union or China.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I think we need to take over Pakistan to make sure it doesn't get taken over by Islamists who are itching to use a nuke. We're not dealing with rational people here like the Soviet Union or China.
And trigger a nuclear holocaust. Very smart. Good thing you're in charge.
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