Big Brother Gives Infraction For Believing Homosexuality Is Wrong

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Jack Fate

New Member

An honors student in Fort Worth, Texas, was sent to the principal’s office and punished for telling a classmate that he believes homosexuality is wrong.

Holly Pope said she was “absolutely stunned” when she received a telephone call from an assistant principal at Western Hills High School informing her that her son, Dakota Ary, had been sent to in-school suspension.

“Dakota is a very well-grounded 14-year-old,” she told Fox News Radio noting that her son is an honors student, plays on the football team and is active in his church youth group. “He’s been in church his whole life and he’s been taught to stand up for what he believes.”

And that’s what got him in trouble.

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An honors student in Fort Worth, Texas, was sent to the principal’s office and punished for telling a classmate that he believes homosexuality is wrong.

Holly Pope said she was “absolutely stunned” when she received a telephone call from an assistant principal at Western Hills High School informing her that her son, Dakota Ary, had been sent to in-school suspension.

“Dakota is a very well-grounded 14-year-old,” she told Fox News Radio noting that her son is an honors student, plays on the football team and is active in his church youth group. “He’s been in church his whole life and he’s been taught to stand up for what he believes.”

And that’s what got him in trouble.

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Well -grounded? That was in the Fox story LOL
He didn't get an infraction for believing homosexuality is wrong, he got an infraction for saying homosexuality is wrong at school. Schools typically have a zero tolerance policy for those kinds of statements; If he said, "muslims are all terrorists" or "black people steal a lot" he would have gotten in trouble too...
He didn't get an infraction for believing homosexuality is wrong, he got an infraction for saying homosexuality is wrong at school. Schools typically have a zero tolerance policy for those kinds of statements; If he said, "muslims are all terrorists" or "black people steal a lot" he would have gotten in trouble too...

So... there is no First Amendment in PUBLIC schools?
So... there is no First Amendment in PUBLIC schools?
When was the last time you were at a public school? Schools have a zero tolerance policy for any kind of hate speech, fighting, drugs, etc... All of that stuff is basically an automatic suspension, regardless of circumstance (yes, even if you were defending yourself - you still end up in trouble).

I'm not saying that's the way it should be, or that I support the way they do things - I'm just pointing out that that's how the schools are run.
When was the last time you were at a public school? Schools have a zero tolerance policy for any kind of hate speech, fighting, drugs, etc... All of that stuff is basically an automatic suspension, regardless of circumstance (yes, even if you were defending yourself - you still end up in trouble).

I'm not saying that's the way it should be, or that I support the way they do things - I'm just pointing out that that's how the schools are run.

If the kid had said....."I believe Christianity is wrong", would that be "hate speech"?
If the kid had said....."I believe Christianity is wrong", would that be "hate speech"?
Sure, according to the zero tolerance policy schools use.

Let me say something here real quick, because you guys seem to assuming I'm in support of this policy which isn't really the case... In fact, during the time I was at school this was already implemented and I got in trouble for all kinds of comments and other actions I'd consider to be petty. The schools take insults(or anything that may be interpreted as such) and the like very seriously, even if you may not.

Like I said, if you get in a fight and you're only defending yourself it's still an automatic suspension... It happened to me once and my defense was simply "I was defending myself", They replied "it doesn't matter" so I said "what am I supposed to do, sit there and take it?" and they say, "go get a teacher"... "if I can't get a teacher?"... "run"... As soon as you hit the other kid, two day suspension. No exceptions. Do I agree with that? No. Do the circumstances in the OP seem kind of excessive? Yes. But it is in line with the policy.
Wow, I had no idea. I don't have children.
I gotta think it stems from parents though. Working parents, very little discipline for most kids then you put them all together and teachers cant handle them, they shouldn't have to. So schools have make policy's that remove trouble (not just the trouble makers) whether they are fair or not it gets the job done. I understand it but like you I don't agree with it.
They always "take hydrophobia" when it comes to THE GAY. THE GAY is ruining this nation. THE GAY is responsible for the Holocaust. THE GAY is responsible for floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and incontinence. We must defend against THE GAY.


We even boo people risking their lives for their country just because of THE GAY.
When was the last time you were at a public school?

Long before you were born but I have had my run-ins with "zero tolerance' when my son was in school. It is a fascist idea. Is this what people are paying taxes for? I've referred to public education as "places of indoctrination" before and this further proves my statement.
Wow, I had no idea. I don't have children.
I gotta think it stems from parents though. Working parents, very little discipline for most kids then you put them all together and teachers cant handle them, they shouldn't have to. So schools have make policy's that remove trouble (not just the trouble makers) whether they are fair or not it gets the job done. I understand it but like you I don't agree with it.
Pretty much. It's not about instilling beliefs into the kids, it's about removing trouble from the classroom and they feel like "zero tolerance" policies are the only way...
Let me say something here real quick, because you guys seem to assuming I'm in support of this policy which isn't really the case...

But you DO support federally controlled, homogenized schools and curriculum AND the tax system that feeds the beast... and probably the teachers unions that keep policies like this in force.
Pretty much. It's not about instilling beliefs into the kids, it's about removing trouble from the classroom and they feel like "zero tolerance" policies are the only way...

Pretty much like our government has been doing to us. It is conditioning. Get to 'em early, make 'em behave. You better "toe the line" or else...
But you DO support federally controlled, homogenized schools and curriculum AND the tax system that feeds the beast... and probably the teachers unions that keep policies like this in force.
There are plenty of things I would change about the school system. Zero tolerance policies aren't the answer, but parent involvement and accountability is; When a kid comes to school and causes trouble all day or never does their homework - those are failures by the parent and they need to be held accountable.

As far as federal involvement in education, minimum standards and guidelines are good because you dont want to have a High school diploma be easier to get in one state than the other. I'm not against states innovating and going above and beyond, but I do believe that the Federal government should ensure that all states are meeting the minimum standards.
It's not about instilling beliefs into the kids, it's about removing trouble from the classroom and they feel like "zero tolerance" policies are the only way...
when a teacher in a german class decides to bring homosexuality into the conversation and then uses his power to silence dissenting opinion, i'd say that zero tolerance policy is being used to instill a certain belief system. this wasn't a matter of "hate speech", that wonderful term used to silence anything with which some politically correct fool may disagree or take some offense. this was simply a child stating his opinion, an opinion based on his faith and his upbringing. the "trouble" this teacher was removing from his classroom was the very idea of dissent. if this were an isolated incident i might be willing to consider that this particular teacher was just a bit of a loon, but such zero tolerance policies are being used to indoctrinate schoolchildren into the herd mentality with more and more frequency.
when a teacher in a german class decides to bring homosexuality into the conversation and then uses his power to silence dissenting opinion, i'd say that zero tolerance policy is being used to instill a certain belief system. this wasn't a matter of "hate speech", that wonderful term used to silence anything with which some politically correct fool may disagree or take some offense. this was simply a child stating his opinion, an opinion based on his faith and his upbringing. the "trouble" this teacher was removing from his classroom was the very idea of dissent. if this were an isolated incident i might be willing to consider that this particular teacher was just a bit of a loon, but such zero tolerance policies are being used to indoctrinate schoolchildren into the herd mentality with more and more frequency.
I'm sure we all agree the circumstances were excessive, but this is not common. I finished HS in 2008 and never felt like they were trying to indoctrinate me, the closest thing to it would probably be all the assemblies and guest speakers that speak out against racism, homophobia, bullying, etc... My sister just got out of HS this past June and also has no stories like what's found in the OP.

You guys are blowing this out of proportion IMO.
Sure, according to the zero tolerance policy schools use.

Let me say something here real quick, because you guys seem to assuming I'm in support of this policy which isn't really the case... In fact, during the time I was at school this was already implemented and I got in trouble for all kinds of comments and other actions I'd consider to be petty. The schools take insults(or anything that may be interpreted as such) and the like very seriously, even if you may not.

Like I said, if you get in a fight and you're only defending yourself it's still an automatic suspension... It happened to me once and my defense was simply "I was defending myself", They replied "it doesn't matter" so I said "what am I supposed to do, sit there and take it?" and they say, "go get a teacher"... "if I can't get a teacher?"... "run"... As soon as you hit the other kid, two day suspension. No exceptions. Do I agree with that? No. Do the circumstances in the OP seem kind of excessive? Yes. But it is in line with the policy.

What is your opinion of the teacher putting up a picture in the classroom of two men kissing and then telling children to accept it?
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