The UK Growers Thread!

hello all, any ideas on how to lower my temp in my tent?

i got a 600 watt light

2 fans one intake and one out take

a desk fan

and also a clip on fan

my temps are 29c which aint to bad but i would like them around the 25c - 27c

also a very silly and randsom question but im sleeping in the same room as my tent and have to have the outtake fan blowing into the room as i cant have 2 pipes out the window is this bad for my health or is it oukay as its just clean warm air?

cheers people


Well-Known Member
hello all, any ideas on how to lower my temp in my tent?

i got a 600 watt light

2 fans one intake and one out take

a desk fan

and also a clip on fan

my temps are 29c which aint to bad but i would like them around the 25c - 27c

also a very silly and randsom question but im sleeping in the same room as my tent and have to have the outtake fan blowing into the room as i cant have 2 pipes out the window is this bad for my health or is it oukay as its just clean warm air?

cheers people
try another in line on the outake and have the intake from the window ( fresh air is our friend )


Well-Known Member
its just warm air, as for the temps, tbh 29c is fine mate and ur only alternatives are get colder air into the room( run ur intake ducting to an outside source maybe above an open window) get the hot air out , same as before, turn the radiators in ur room down, or get a lower wattage light although in my experience the difference between a 400 and 600 heat ouput isnt a helluva lot. or buy an air con unit, bit of expense in both buying and running them. if u add sum sorta co2 to your grow the plants can handle higher temps.


Well-Known Member
hello all, any ideas on how to lower my temp in my tent?

i got a 600 watt light

2 fans one intake and one out take

a desk fan

and also a clip on fan

my temps are 29c which aint to bad but i would like them around the 25c - 27c

also a very silly and randsom question but im sleeping in the same room as my tent and have to have the outtake fan blowing into the room as i cant have 2 pipes out the window is this bad for my health or is it oukay as its just clean warm air?

cheers people
Have both fans extracting to an open window. Don't bother with the intake. The weather is too warm for it.


Active Member

sorry to hear that man! this is the third time i've had to kick him out. he's an unblelievable pain in the ass, a right cunt. i wouldnt normally lose it but he's been shouting and threatening my 7 month pregnant wife. and that aint happening. he should consider himself lucky. anyone else they would of had it. bloody teenagers.

last night heard a loud bang outside my house. went outside down the path half expecting a gang of kids to jump me, then heard another shot... then realised it was just some local lads out lamping lol really didnt fancy a ruck after half a dozen shotties lol put a smile on me face tho paranoid twat!


Well-Known Member
Have both fans extracting to an open window. Don't bother with the intake. The weather is too warm for it.
mmmmmmm, why didnt i think of that, bloody obvious isnt it! having the same probs myself, think ill just switch the fan round and see how it goes, as im only just starting i dont need to worry about odour and the heat it drags out should be more than enuff to drop temps by at least 2 degrees.


Well-Known Member
step kids can be a fuckin nitemare mate, ive been there myself, wasn't growing or owt but had the usual ' my dad'll sort you out!'....go and fuckin get him then and do me a favour and ask the cunt why ur living with me and not him.... it got better when she actually got her own home and was a bit older, we ended up getting on really well, she understood what she had been like, but it was fuckin hell on earth for a cpl of years. she hit a bad patch after her mum, my partner, was murdered and she eventually killed herself. pretty dark part of my life. i still miss them both.
Jesus. Did they catch the killer?


Well-Known Member
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sorry to hear that man! this is the third time i've had to kick him out. he's an unblelievable pain in the ass, a right cunt. i wouldnt normally lose it but he's been shouting and threatening my 7 month pregnant wife. and that aint happening. he should consider himself lucky. anyone else they would of had it. bloody teenagers.

last night heard a loud bang outside my house. went outside down the path half expecting a gang of kids to jump me, then heard another shot... then realised it was just some local lads out lamping lol really didnt fancy a ruck after half a dozen shotties lol put a smile on me face tho paranoid twat!
That's gonna be some yield.


Well-Known Member
Jesus. Did they catch the killer?
yeah, it was the guy she started seein after me and her split up, i knew him, he was a local guy, i warned her he was a fuckin psycho but she thought i was just being jealous. we spoke of getting back together but he cut her throat one day, he got a lifer for it.


Well-Known Member
mmmmmmm, why didnt i think of that, bloody obvious isnt it! having the same probs myself, think ill just switch the fan round and see how it goes, as im only just starting i dont need to worry about odour and the heat it drags out should be more than enuff to drop temps by at least 2 degrees.
It's surprising how many people I come across making that mistake.
Me: "Why are you putting warm air into your tent?"
Grower: "To cool the temp"
Me: "You're trying to cool the temp by putting warm air into your tent?"
Grower".........But my plants need air!"

Me: "Your tent isn't air tight, the fans will suck in fresh air as they extract the old!"


Active Member
FFS ive just found out cunts that a magnesium deficiency can cause fucking Touretts Syndrome fucking cunts,bastards,fucking hell maybe cal/mag can cure fucking tourettes?cunts. theres fuck,something up with my plants, epsom fucking salts!