Child Rapist To Get Less Time Than Pot Grower. WTF?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hooray! Finally a win for beastiality!

No, seriously, what the fuck?! Someone should rape that prime minister with a chainsaw.


Well-Known Member
the only thing that comes to mind, is that the legislators have too many childmolesters within their ranks.

similar to the priesthood.

possibly judges as well.

or just dont really give a fuck about people.


Active Member
It’s a sad sad day in America when I’m considered a worst criminal then any type of rapist let alone a child rapist.


Crazed, where Im at the cops have the courts believing if they can smell canna from the outside there HAS TO BE over 4zips inside , thus giving them the right to get a warrant and fuck your life up. Meanwhile the molesters get some psych help, and subsidized housing till they "get passed it". WTF


Active Member
Id blame it on the ignorant political "leaders" that forced marijuana to be a schedule 1 drug as opposed to the judge that sentenced him. It is pretty outrageous though if you ask me.


Active Member
Id blame it on the ignorant political "leaders" that forced marijuana to be a schedule 1 drug as opposed to the judge that sentenced him. It is pretty outrageous though if you ask me.
In Canada Marijuana is a Schedule 2 drug. This article is for canadians.


Active Member
Love me? You don't even know me! I assure you, anyone who dreams of raping people with chainsaws need be tread lightly around... ;)
lol you bring the chainsaw I bring the gas, I will be your moral support the whole way threw these hard times ! :)