Prove to you There's a God?

Sweet, you spelled "quiet" correctly this time!

I've forgotten more than you probably know.....

Only thing I remember about you is that you make your avatar look smart, and he looks pretty freaking retarded.
I skipped more then half of the shit you said so I wouldn't contaminate my brain with ignorance and specific traits of a sociopath that I choose to stay away from.
I kinda meant more of the ignorance, not that you are bad. You do ask legit questions. I would have worked better with Sen C.. but he is not here. :)
Ooh with the insult man. So without marl me and oly would look bad? I always thought I had somewhat good arguments.
Ehh none of this matters. :)
Nice deflections to everything he's saying. That's sarcasm incase you can't sense satire.

There's nothing worthy of being commented on - it's like asking me to comment on a 4 year old's shitty drawing of a dog.... what do you say? It's so realistic? You're the next Picasso?
Although I'm no Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking, I do command an IQ of 133.... but I'll just chalk your mistake up to an inability to count properly! But I am proud of you for trying, WHO'S A GOOD BOY??? YOU ARE THAT'S WHO. USING GROWN UP WORDS..... SO CUTE!

What do you think albert einstein's IQ was and does it = right or wrong? Look at the thread I made about the implications of todays scientific discovery. Turns out light may not be the fastest thing in the universe. I don't understand most of the crazy particle stuff but find it interesting. This means E=mc2 just might be wrong. What will scientist's do? plug thier ears and scream No! I've spent my whole life working off the theory of E=mc2 it has to be right. Or will they accept it and move forward into the new discovery?
What do you think albert einstein's IQ was and does it = right or wrong? Look at the thread I made about the implications of todays scientific discovery. Turns out light may not be the fastest thing in the universe. I don't understand most of the crazy particle stuff but find it interesting. This means E=mc2 just might be wrong. What will scientist's do? plug thier ears and scream No! I've spent my whole life working off the theory of E=mc2 it has to be right. Or will they accept it and move forward into the new discovery?

It doesn't = right or wrong... how can your ability to adapt to new circumstances and solve problems make you right or wrong?

I was reading earlier that they broke the speed of light with neutrino's @ CERN... interesting stuff!
Where's oly? Hey oly come on over so we can kill these infidels. Muhahahahaha.
Lmao, lets just wait for Jesus to do it bro. So we could laugh at them while they scream and cry and say "no its not real."

im pretty tired... although its fun id rather talk shit over xboxlive. sometimes people just have too much time to come up with bullshit.
Show me Jesus. Where is he? If you can show me Jesus, well holy fuck! I'd believe in a second after witnessing him perform an honest to god miracle!

Let's get Jesus' opinion on the matter.....

Hello? Jesus? This is Beef, can you perform a miracle for me? Or you know manifest yourself as a physical entity in any way, shape, or form, so we can validate your existence with something besides an old book written by primitive goat herders?
Lmao, lets just wait for Jesus to do it bro. So we could laugh at them while they scream and cry and say "no its not real."

im pretty tired... although its fun id rather talk shit over xboxlive. sometimes people just have too much time to come up with bullshit.

nah dude Jesus isn't going to kill them, it's just supposed to be hell on earth. Jesus wouldn't kill, IMO. But I believe these people will go to heaven, well hopefully I'm not sure if they're child rapist/murderers.
Show me Jesus. Where is he? If you can show me Jesus, well holy fuck! I'd believe in a second after witnessing him perform an honest to god miracle!

Let's get Jesus' opinion on the matter.....

Hello? Jesus? This is Beef, can you perform a miracle for me? Or you know manifest yourself as a physical entity in any way, shape, or form, so we can validate your existence with something besides an old book written by primitive goat herders?

Don't you guys get it? We honestly don't care if you believe.