Sweet lovely deathI got something to say
I killed your baby today
And it doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead
Oh oh oh oh ohSweet lovely death
Just waiting for your breath
Come sweet Death One Last Caress
Personal redemption is earned through moral reflection after the fact, I'd say you've earned it my friend.frame by frame ...then pink mist...thats confirmation ...you have the rest of your life to think about it when you get home....i never saw the romance in death or killing like some do, but im pretty sure the people who do have never had to experience it
True, but I believe that they also offer .416 Barret, .338 Lapua & possibly others.barret is a company, they make many different different guns, the military does too. and the barrets the military issue are normally 50 cal but in some cases a bowling ball sized bullet isnt necessary so they use the 7.62s.
when my kid was five i bought him two hamsters and he put them on his blanket, on his bed and snapped the blanket up to make them fly in the air and one hit the ceiling and died an hour later, the other got away that same night and was never found. LOLI use to drop my guieni pig off my roof onto my trampoline wen I was a kid
Wheeeeeee *Thud*when my kid was five i bought him two hamsters and he put them on his blanket, on his bed and snapped the blanket up to make them fly in the air and one hit the ceiling and died an hour later, the other got away that same night and was never found. LOL
I'd like to hear more of this.I have. and fucking proud of it my friend. Not sure on how many I killed.. but I know its quite a few.
The reason I'm proud of it, is because if I wouldn't have killed them, they would have killed me or taken me as a POW... and I wasn't about to let that happen.
Fucking terrorists..
I remember one shot in particular. I was hiding behind a brick wall.. and I couldn't advance forward because the terrorist had a sniper up on a rooftop taking shots at me.. I watched him through my scope and realized that he's going to run out of ammunition and eventually have to reload.. and sure enough, as soon as he took his last shot before having to reload, I lined up my scope.. put the cross-hairs right onto the other snipers left eye.. and shot. Fucking rag-head didn't even know what hit em'... lol.
I used the .50cal 50BMG (12.7x99mm) or 12.7x108mm. Effective range of such rifles is up to 1500 meters and above, depending on size of target and quality of the ammunition.
I remember during sniper school.. our instructor showed us these 'tracer' rounds. They're called 'tracers' because when you fire the weapon.. the bullet actually leaves a trail.. where you can actually tell where the shot went. Tracer rounds are bad to the bone too.. can do some major damage.. even to heavy armored vehicles/people.
They've also got rounds that once they hit the target.. they explode. They explode with the force of about one single hand-grenade.. those were very deadly rounds if I may add.
I have to say though.. the #1 thing that scared me the most back then... was I.E.D. bombs. We didn't really have the technology back then, that we have now. I mean shit, now.. the military has robot soldiers. Yes, robots!! These things can detect when they are being fired upon.. and they immediately track where the bullet came from.. calculate the position of the enemy person/persons shooting at it.. and then can either be setup to fire the M14-Carbine (not yet released for U.S. military use.. but will soon replace the all too familiar M16) or it can be setup prior to the mission.. to fire rocket-propelled grenades.
I like the way the military is going.. I like the idea of not using people for certain missions. I eventually think, which it may not be in my lifetime.. but eventually the U.S. Military will replace all human soldiers.. with robots and other intelligent machines.. that will go and fight the war for us. Trust me, its coming.. just a matter of time.
Anyhow, I hope killing terrorists counts?
that dude is full of bs, and has no idea what he's talking about. a tracer is a normal round but with a magnesium core shoved up the projectiles ass. then it get a bit of orange paint to id it.. i was a 50 gunner and it bugs me when people talk out their asses about the military. if you weren't there you don't know, if you were there and never went outside the wire then only talk about what you know, incoming rounds, kbr, mwr, burger king standard non combat personnel kinda shit pogs don't see shit... the worst pog's see is bloody humvees. if you did go outside the wire, you don't want to talk about it.I'd like to hear more of this.
Come on CG - tell us more been there, done that war stories !
Fuckin poser.
I cant imagine why, they are usually a little slow, and smell horrible. in the field when on mission, whether its combat or training they shit and piss where they are laying to get off the shot, and they gotta crawl with that mess.. I dont know why anyone would come back and say thats what they did.. fuck that.Once I read sniper I had my doubts lol.Everyone with a fake military story makes themselves a sniper lol.
I don't thnk I've ever wanted you more.....I tried to drown my already cripple hamster, i felt i should put him out of his misery, but i could not do it i found myself bawling holding a soaked hamster gasping for air, thank baby jesus he died very soon after, ya i try and help things, unless some crazy person is trying to harm my future offspring it's safe to safe i'm no hardened killer lmfao
LMFAO omg i was recently tramautized when i saw one of my kittens dieI don't thnk I've ever wanted you more.....
Next time put it in a bag and throw it in a lake/river for christ's sake lmao
Oh, I'm sorry, that's awful...LMFAO omg i was recently tramautized when i saw one of my kittens dieShe was crushed by a giant foot inside a work boot, poor baby, it was a horrible few days in my house
Now the kittens wear bells
Ya putting down my 11 yr old cat was hard , but knowing he was sick and better off not in pain made that easy, i was playing with the kitten , actualy took her pic about 5 mins b4 "the incident we longer discuss " lmfaoOh, I'm sorry, that's awful...
I saw my little doggie take it's last breath and yeah, it ruined a few weeks for me.
That gurgling and the look in it's eyes of confusion, pain, and panic -- and then the hopeless feeling of not being able to do anything. It was terrible.
The dog was old though...