Also- don't forget to cancel that shit right before your month is up!i hope your utilizing amazon prime-free 2day shipping
its free for a year for studentsAlso- don't forget to cancel that shit right before your month is up!
Seriously though, I'm ordering shit I don't even need cause its free 2 day. Thanks for the socks Mr. UPS guy...
Yea its sketchy the first time you use it. It waits until the very end and takes shipping out. After that you don't ever choose shipping option if its that prime. It makes it almost too easy to order stuff.Really? I noticed lately that things saying they're eligible for super saver shipping (free) are often missing the box for you to check that option. I've used Amazon for 4 years and never had that happen before. The independent sellers on Amazon are often cheaper (Look at 'New' under 'New and Used offers) than '' as a seller itself.
I was not paying $75 for a textbook. Looked harder and found it for $30.
google amazon prime students, your a fool if you pay for shipping when you can get 2day shipping for freelol i didnt know that, but i dont mind paying shipping
same here, free shipping, no taxamazons that shit,ordered a tv and it came the next day.