No I haven't looked at Chris' thread yet but that's too funny!! 128?????
Hey Radio shack has an ok telescoping tripod up to 48" for 15 bucks,,,nice for the macros.
Soo hot head that I am didn't I get into an argument with my new neighbor this afternoon lol They just moved in, unfortunately when my grandparents died I got the house (well that's not unfortunate) and my brother gort the land. While I'm sitting cozy in my home he lost his shirt on the land with the housing market crash,,,see he had to buy the land but I didn't have to buy the house ; ). Well anyways the land was bought up and is in the process of being developed by someone else,,,I sit on my porch and watch the houses being built on what was our land

I get home a little while ago and the new neighbor (who is fucking 50 yds downwind of me) this cueball looking prick with ears ex military built like a brick shithouse has mowed about 10 ft of my land to give his little shit kids more room to play on their swingset. Well I could not just say nothing, that's just not me, and when I approached him about it he got defensive and said he was going to involve his lawyer lmfao, I looked at him and said it doesnt take a genious to draw a line between 2 points, as the new pins are clearly marked and visible. I am noone to fuck with, wicked hothead if need be. Well after some more going back and forth the fucker walked away with his tail between his legs, his wife comes home a little later (an ex Miss this state) and I see them looking at the line and talking and apparently she made him come over and apologize lol
I know I broke a growers rule about being nice to your neighbors so I don't need top be reminded