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Rebel From The North
HR had any experience with the Tri Meter brand meters? There about 100 bucks less than the guardian but if there anything like Tools you get what you pay for? Sold a ton of little hannas and ecotesters and have seen the miserable failure rate on them. Also if im reading your early post right about your tents. Besides lighting and hydro system I need 1 or 2 can fans a filter co2 source a sniffer possible chiller and A/C if I have heat issues anything else im missing? temp and humidity meter. few wall mount fans. hmmm what else
never had one of those but as for hanna I aviod that brand like the plague


Active Member
I have been really wanting to switch to bluelab I have hear dmany positive reviews. When I have a continuous meter I will probably go bluelabs


Rebel From The North
they are the cadaliac of meters!!

on another note updates in the morning been slacking I know but things been way to crazy!!

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
ahhh yesh indeed, lol i had a buddy sneak back some nug inside his flak HAHA he pulled it out it was all smashed and dry but fuckin shit was triched back lol tasted like shit but what do you expect comin out of some doods sweaty dirty flak jacket lol

wish he had brought me some seeds instead honestly... lucky bastard how is the shiz


Well-Known Member
ahhh yesh indeed, lol i had a buddy sneak back some nug inside his flak HAHA he pulled it out it was all smashed and dry but fuckin shit was triched back lol tasted like shit but what do you expect comin out of some doods sweaty dirty flak jacket lol

wish he had brought me some seeds instead honestly... lucky bastard how is the shiz
*huh.. whaaa.. i forgot i was smoking... damn, defini a good night time toke :)
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