Liberals Embrace Perry's Christian Values

You know that argument is old an tired. Anti-gay advocates have been spouting that shit for years. And that's exactly what it is. Shit. That's like saying African slaves had the same rights as their owners only they didn't because they wouldn't paint themselves white.

You know that arguement is old and tired. You've been puting that shit out for years. Slaves were fighting for equal rights. Thats what we have. EQUAL RIGHTS. Gays just want to have more rights than straight people do.
About 80%, historicaly, marry the opposite sex.

i'd love to see a citation for that.

You keep stating falsehoods

such as?

slap dubious labels on others statements as if that somehow negates their statements

calling your argument a canard, the one where you proclaim that "gays have equal rights as straights because both can marry someone of the opposite sex" does not negate anything. it points out a canard

and then declare yourself the "winner".

you'll have to find me the post where i declared myself the winner. i do recall, however, where you tried to tell me i was wrong without making any argument as to why, which i rightly mocked you for.

You have a completely closed mind.

not at all. i used to be on your side of this issue.

There's no point in arguing with you because you don't have the ability to even consider that you could ever be mistaken about anything.

also not true. i have admitted to being wrong often on this site. ask around.

Nothing you've stated tonight has any truth in it, but you're so convinced of yourself, you don't even know it.

i'm convinced of the constitution.

and until someone can make the case that prohibiting someone from marrying the partner of their choice is NOT a deprivation of liberty, i will remain steadfast in my belief.

notice how i left open the possibility for ANYONE to convince me otherwise? i wonder if anybody will actually have the juice to do it, instead of just saying "you're wrong".
straight people can marry the partner of their choice, they have that liberty

No, they can't. They can only marry an adult of the opposite gender who also must consent.

gay people can not marry the partner of their choice, they are being deprived of that liberty.

They can only marry an adult of the opposite gender who also must consent. The rule is EXACTLY the same.

section 1 of the 14th amendment clearly states that no state shall make or enforce any law that deprives a citizen of their liberty.

This "liberty", as you are wrongly trying to label it, doesn't exist.

i know some people here, especially the fundamentalists, want to bring their version of christian sharia law to o
ur shores because they think that their zombie who defies physics commands them to while sitting on a fluffy cloud and fingering a harp.

sorry, the constitution is the law of the land, and prohibiting gay marriage is very straightforwardly unconstitutional.

The constitution makes no mention whatsoever of gay marriage. Once again you are putting something in it that is simply not there.
The constitution makes no mention whatsoever of gay marriage. Once again you are putting something in it that is simply not there.

the constitution does make mention of liberty and equal protection in section 1 of the 14th amendment.

please convince me that prohibiting a citizen from marrying the partner of their choice is NOT a deprivation of liberty. go ahead.

Constitution said:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
So instead of one single fact, this forum is now about you and Carne with the personal attacks?

that was not a personal attack, that was an observation on the level of debate skill you just brought.

if i wanted to attack you, i would intimate that you fornicate with turtles.
Fuck you Buck. Think you're all superior just becase you're gay. Nobody is stopping you from sucking as much dick as you want. Go ahead and lick man ass Buck. Nobody is telling you what to do queer bait.

Buck you're mom sucks enough dick for everybody up in here to get thier dong spit shined. There is no reason for you to go around choking on dicks too. Like mother like son.

see what i'm doing now?

i am saving your replies instead of deleting them because i will be suggesting a ban for you.

keep it up.
When you and Carne are done playing with eachothers penis's, the rest of us will be having a real discussion. I was hoping gay people would talk much less, but that doesn't seem to be the case. How are you able to talk so much choking on dicks all day Buck? If its all the way down your throat then its fuck what you say bitch. remember that

are you going to invite us to modesto for a fisticuffs as well this time?

Well for one we're denied the benefits that go along with being married. When my partner was murdered I didn't have the right to claim his body for burial since we weren't married. The house was in his name and I had to move out when he died. His family cleaned the house out and I had no right to anything. Even the things I bought for him or gifted to him. He had excellent health insurance. I was not allowed to be on it. I couldn't even plan his funeral or take part. I had no say in anything. The list goes on and on.

It was one of most painful experiences of my life and I had to deal with all that shit on top of it. Why? Because I fell in love with a man. That's the only reason.

He could have put your name on the deed, but he apparently chose not to. He could have left you anything he wanted to in his will, but apparently chose not to. He could have given you power of attorney,to have complete control over all his affairs, including his funeral, but chose not to. It appears he had a different idea of your relationship than you did. Your beef is with him, not society.
Moderators keep the peace? Bullshit. Mods want to come in here and attack me on a personal level like I can't fire back they must be confused. If thats all thier good for then we don't need 'em.
Buck you got so much shit between your ears it seeps out your eyelids. Starting to Leave shit on your brow every time Carne fucks your throat

Moderators keep the peace? Bullshit. Mods want to come in here and attack me on a personal level like I can't fire back they must be confused. If thats all thier good for then we don't need 'em.


as in, "if that's all they are good for".

and yes, you have done admirably. will be suggesting a ban for you due to your hateful and ugly speech.
He could have put your name on the deed, but he apparently chose not to. He could have left you anything he wanted to in his will, but apparently chose not to. He could have given you power of attorney,to have complete control over all his affairs, including his funeral, but chose not to. It appears he had a different idea of your relationship than you did. Your beef is with him, not society.

He could of not foreseen his death and therefore died without a will or changing a deed
Unfortunalty for his survivor Probate court wont give the partner shit except maybe a couple weeks notice to move and not take anything
when did you choose to be attracted to women?
I don't think I actually made a conscious choice. I never said heterosexuality was a choice, did I? Your question is illogical. You're missing the whole point: Gay men have CHILDREN. That means they can have sex with women. Ergo, sex with men is a choice.
I don't think I actually made a conscious choice. I never said heterosexuality was a choice, did I? Your question is illogical. You're missing the whole point: Gay men have CHILDREN. That means they can have sex with women. Ergo, sex with men is a choice.

how old were you when you made the conscious choice to be straight?