Well-Known Member
Damn that looks good!
im not mr. sixpack but i stay in shape,,,,some people are just not into health bro, they are mindless sheep herding to mcdonalds and other grease saturated food cause it "tastes good" , they have zero will power and dont see there body as anything but a disposer for their mouth. i know its hard to stay in shape but some people jsut let themselves go, its sad. have u ever noticed fat people are the ones who dont have the rest of their life in order 9/10 times, for example. the fat person is ALWAYS the one, whos late for a couple bills, is clumsy, never has gas in their car, car is always dirty, and other random unorganized things,??? if u dont care about ur body how do you expect to have the rest of your life in order???...and then u have the losewrs who say its a disease or inherited, come on you lame fat motherfucker, atleast admit your a lazy slob and get on with it.....
Were you an angry drunk Fdd?
I always pictured you smoking joint after joint on your fishing boat. Now I imagine you yelling and cussingthrowing beer cans in the water hoping to hit a fish.
Gee thanks for the encouragement...thank goodness you seem to be a perfect person with no vices, I'm happy for you. My life on the other hand is a work in progress. Sometimes I have everything together and other times things seem to fall apart. I'm willing to admit my faults, but i'm not a fat lazy blob with no motivation for life. I hated my old job and that's why i'm happier being currently unemployed while waiting to start work at my new job. I have managed to get off the couch and go to school to obtain my bachelors degree and hoping to go back for more when i'm able to. I do work out at least 3 times a week and try to eat healthy, but your right my eating got me where i am in the first place and god forbid you ever lose your metabolism and gain a little belly...because it's bad enough being overweight, but it would really suck being overweight and an asshole. Not sure why i'm going on and wasting my breathe though...u have me pinned as a lazy fat couch potato and i have you pinned as a jerk. :/
you sound like a total winner,LOL, are u single??????? happy to be unemployed, overweight and smokes weed like a chimney....you sound like a real go getter. HAHAAH
Actually, it is. New studies and research have shown that obesity is an illness.
That bike looks a little dirty. Get to cleaning fatty!
seeing the offspring tells me the parents ass is a bit to big to be kicking. their parents should instead be euthanized. lol. PARENTING FAIL.the parents should have there ass's kicked for letting there kids get so fucking obese