What thats a fn steal man might have to sell off all my shit and buy me some land hahaha i really one need 3 guns hahaha
Now you have me thinking i got to get the F out of the city! Its hard not to punch city people in the throat even better when you take em out there in august hahahahah and they refuse to listen about slowing down on their drinking the night before cuz its a mild 55 then they wake up drink more to feel better get all buzzed up go out for a long hike and when they are like say 8 or 9 miles out the sun comes fully up and its 110 hahahaha and they end up crawling back to camp in a sallow creek bed almost dying hahaha he gave up like 100 yards from camp "i tracked him for 10 plus miles" threw fields a crossed the stream up the stream through some more fields then back into the stream and finally curled up in the fetal position in a little hole in the creek i mean ankle deep hahaha sry shits funny to me