I mean five things at least lol.
Recently ive been studying myself.. I mean I am generally a happy person as long as I'm nourished properly and perhaps a little baked
So as i Payed close attention to my moods, and why when and how they changed i came up with this small list of well "toxic" or polar opposite to humans things that i noticed actually bugged my daily living, and like drying bud in sunlight, decreased my good moods..
Organic i have figured is a way to eat, live, grow, and spread. so why not take those nasty chemicals out of your life?
Heres my list of mind altering daily accessories(That the government wants you to continue so your open mindedness is minimized):
1. Fluoride Toothpaste: or mainly all toothpastes.. TOXIC, Hitler put it in our water supply 50 years ago.. Now every american gets a nice dose of flouride in the morning and for the some of you at night as while. yummy? negative i like white sparkly teeth but not poison.do your research!
2. Laundry Detergent: TERRIBLE to breath in 24/7 and how do u breathe it in? from the remaining particles all over your clothes? your shirt is rather close to your nose eh? do your research. and it messes up our environment.
3: Propane Stove: If you have a Propane stove, next time your cooking notice the thickening in the air? that aint the food! best not to hover over your fooding while its cookin. The combustion of propane is one of the most widely known carcinogens.
4: Butane: Yea yea i know some of you disagree. but ill stick with hempwick, and my glass wand. havent used butane twice in the last 6 months. Both times i noticed a well un-preffered difference. Im so stubborn against butane i could smoke a bowl with it and not get high.
5: Any food product containing anything artificial or any type of preservative sort of say, satisfies my taste buds, but suppresses my mind, hurts my body, and promotes factory processed food.
O and Get a water filter
These are a few things i have changed about my life in the last year, and man has it made a huge impact on my well-being, environment and just happiness.
agree or disagree? anyone have anything to add to the list?
Once again these are toxicitys i found to basically BUG the Sh%t outa me.
Recently ive been studying myself.. I mean I am generally a happy person as long as I'm nourished properly and perhaps a little baked

So as i Payed close attention to my moods, and why when and how they changed i came up with this small list of well "toxic" or polar opposite to humans things that i noticed actually bugged my daily living, and like drying bud in sunlight, decreased my good moods..
Organic i have figured is a way to eat, live, grow, and spread. so why not take those nasty chemicals out of your life?
Heres my list of mind altering daily accessories(That the government wants you to continue so your open mindedness is minimized):
1. Fluoride Toothpaste: or mainly all toothpastes.. TOXIC, Hitler put it in our water supply 50 years ago.. Now every american gets a nice dose of flouride in the morning and for the some of you at night as while. yummy? negative i like white sparkly teeth but not poison.do your research!
2. Laundry Detergent: TERRIBLE to breath in 24/7 and how do u breathe it in? from the remaining particles all over your clothes? your shirt is rather close to your nose eh? do your research. and it messes up our environment.
3: Propane Stove: If you have a Propane stove, next time your cooking notice the thickening in the air? that aint the food! best not to hover over your fooding while its cookin. The combustion of propane is one of the most widely known carcinogens.
4: Butane: Yea yea i know some of you disagree. but ill stick with hempwick, and my glass wand. havent used butane twice in the last 6 months. Both times i noticed a well un-preffered difference. Im so stubborn against butane i could smoke a bowl with it and not get high.
5: Any food product containing anything artificial or any type of preservative sort of say, satisfies my taste buds, but suppresses my mind, hurts my body, and promotes factory processed food.
O and Get a water filter

These are a few things i have changed about my life in the last year, and man has it made a huge impact on my well-being, environment and just happiness.
agree or disagree? anyone have anything to add to the list?
Once again these are toxicitys i found to basically BUG the Sh%t outa me.