Mushrooms in ireland!! goin picking asap..liberty cap HELP

high from the middle of ireland and ive been wanting to go pickin mushrooms for quite sum time now. ive heard the season isnt until october, but then other ppl are telling me its august/early september and ive already missed out :-(
any tips on when to go pickin would be greatly appreciated.
i will be looking for the 'liberty cap'...i no mushroom picking is dangerous if u are careless but if i get anyting i will post loads of pic's and hopefully people will help me identify them...
what is the best enviroment to go looking for them in etc......

we used to have much drier colder weather at this time so the season has been changing ALOT the last few years.

The season is now. I was out in the wicklow area picking up some fly argita shrooms.

Liberty caps can be easily found (although it takes alot so alot of time is needed, near woodland meets grassland areas. If you know a forest that is not too thick or has grass on the bottom of it. These areas work well.

They tend to grow in the grass patches where direct sunlight does not shine so forest provides this often . Good luck!
we used to have much drier colder weather at this time so the season has been changing ALOT the last few years.

The season is now. I was out in the wicklow area picking up some fly argita shrooms.

Liberty caps can be easily found (although it takes alot so alot of time is needed, near woodland meets grassland areas. If you know a forest that is not too thick or has grass on the bottom of it. These areas work well.

They tend to grow in the grass patches where direct sunlight does not shine so forest provides this often . Good luck!

thanks i have a forest in my local town of a good few acres so i will go looking there!!!! tip greatly appreciated and hopefully ill be puting up some pics of my find!!!
well, first of course it helps to have a cattle pasture to look in of course... and when you've found a good cow field where you wont get spotted, look in the tall tufts of grass (where the ferts from the cow shit is making the grass taller) and look around there. Also where there are trees, look around the borders of the tree lines. Also, north sides of hills this time of year will have more mushrooms than the others. Your season will last untill its too cold at night for them to grow...I dont know where that is for you, but i used to go out from may untill halloween... happy hunting. OOOHHH!! also, dont pull the mushrooms out of the cowpiles, break the stem at the base so as to not disturb the mycelium. If undisturbed you can go back to the same piles every day for more caps. Also, you end up with less mess in your cap picking bag. And finally, be conscientious and make sure to blow some spores out from each cap, and dont overturn the cowplops.
Hey lads, I know that this isn't the time of year for the shrooms, but I have a question. I have lots of fields near where I live in the South east. Woodlands, fields, cowshit. But I haven't seen any shrooms in the past.
Can I get some spores and plant them, say in August, and come back to pick them later?
Would they need to be one of the native species, like liberty cap?
Where would I get spores for them? I'm hoping I could plant some, and get recurring crops in the same spot in future months and years?
high from the middle of ireland and ive been wanting to go pickin mushrooms for quite sum time now. ive heard the season isnt until october, but then other ppl are telling me its august/early september and ive already missed out :-(
any tips on when to go pickin would be greatly appreciated.
i will be looking for the 'liberty cap'...i no mushroom picking is dangerous if u are careless but if i get anyting i will post loads of pic's and hopefully people will help me identify them...
what is the best enviroment to go looking for them in etc......

Blue … instant blue bruising
We were picking Liberty Caps here in Oregon back in the 80's. We'd fill up grocery bags in a couple hours. I had pounds and pounds of dried mushrooms I picked myself.
