Are you honest?

Are you honest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 46 73.0%
  • No

    Votes: 17 27.0%

  • Total voters

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I don't lie I want my friends to trust what I say and I don't have to remember that lie and what I said to whom. That being said, I have been know to not disclose certain things from time to time.

I will tell simple white lies to keep someone's feelings from being hurt.


Well-Known Member
Does that shit even exist any more......honesty?????????

I'm pretty sure it left with the dinosaurs.

I've found it does work better than spittin lies.You just have to have that "fuck your feelings" attitude towards others and honesty is actually pretty good.It usually hurts more than any bullshit slander one can spew.


Well-Known Member
Lol, my wife hates it. I can't remember appointments or anniversaries for the life of me.

I think I've even forgot my own birthday. day I had to do the math just to remember how old I was! and a guy at work had a birthday in the same week, born in the same year, and we were arguing all morning about our,we were smokin that morning too... and I was wrong, I lost a year that day:-(

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I forgot our anniversary last year. It's one day after a daughters b-day, that I remembered.

It's hard to forget his b-day it is one day after mine. Somehow he forgot mine the first year we were married. I was so hurt, now I could careless. But, I got a set of golf clubs he felt so bad.

Lol, my wife hates it. I can't remember appointments or anniversaries for the life of me.

I think I've even forgot my own birthday.


Well-Known Member
i prefer not to lie and i dont lie to people that are part of my life.

you the kinda person i need to lie to, to keep happy? fuck off!


Well-Known Member
its simple just too much of a hassle, always spinning a lie and keeping it "real"

story after another and when start lying to alot of people that talk to eachother, fuck sakes, it becomes a huge web that you have to keep up.

totally doable..but so empty and the relationships meaningless. as soon as a lie enters the equation, all hope of true intimacy is gone.

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Im honest most of the time... I bend sometimes to not hurt others feelings.... and im not honest when I get annoying phonecalls from annoying relatives who think I have nothing better to do than sit on a phone listening to them ramble and say huh after every fucking sentence... Im not honest when I tell my wife n kids to tell them Im not