Are you honest?

Are you honest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 46 73.0%
  • No

    Votes: 17 27.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
im extremely blunt and honest, unless im in some kind of trouble, then i lie my ass off. but if i like the person, or if i dont want to offend, im still honest, i just word it better or leave some of the sentence out


Well-Known Member
im extremely blunt and honest, unless im in some kind of trouble, then i lie my ass off. but if i like the person, or if i dont want to offend, im still honest, i just word it better or leave some of the sentence out
Does hers count?


Undercover Mod
im extremely blunt and honest, unless im in some kind of trouble, then i lie my ass off. but if i like the person, or if i dont want to offend, im still honest, i just word it better or leave some of the sentence out

I just felt like fuckin yelling all of a suddddennn.


Well-Known Member
in this world I really dont think anyone's honest but get ready cause the riu Jehovahs witnesses are gonna preach about how it's so wrong to lie
HEY HEY!! I'm a JW ...

Now was I lying? You'll neeevvvvveerrrr knoooooooooooooowww :D


Undercover Mod
I got out of a providing alcohol to minors ticket by telling the straight up truth. That was three weeks ago.


Undercover Mod
and how many times out of 10 will that work?
It only works if you really didn;t do anything wrong. I got off on a technicality. I purchased the alcohol with another persons money for them and he provided it to the persons under 21.

He got fucked by the long dick of the law.