Liberals Embrace Perry's Christian Values

Many would argue thats an abuse of power. Polling regularly shows over 75 percent of self-reported registered voters support the death penalty either strongly or somewhat for those convicted of violent crimes. And there isn’t much ambivalence lurking in the distinction in support — the strong support is routinely over 50 percent. The overall levels of support in Texas are 10 to 15 percentage points higher than support for similar items in national polls.

are christian values decided by majority vote?

face it: our justice system is not perfect. if you accept the death penalty, you have to accept that a certain number of innocent people will be executed at the hands of the state.

what percentage of innocent people being executed is acceptable to you? for me, it is 0%.

removing the element from society by life without the possibility of parole is enough for me.
are christian values decided by majority vote?

face it: our justice system is not perfect. if you accept the death penalty, you have to accept that a certain number of innocent people will be executed at the hands of the state.

what percentage of innocent people being executed is acceptable to you? for me, it is 0%.

removing the element from society by life without the possibility of parole is enough for me.

I don't like to see people die Buck. Believe it or not I'm not a huge supporter of the death penalty. But do you have any idea how much money it costs innocent taxpayers to keep killers alive for the remainder of thier natural life? I could pull some #s for you.....
I am aware of the role faith has had in shaping our societies moral values - but faith is just one of the driving forces that got us there; That people have a general sense of morality is a product of all that comes with being social creatures, IMO. I mean, you find societal structures in nature all the time - they aren't likely as complex - but they're there... Many species living in pods, schools, packs etc and it at least seems like they have some sort of rules, loyalty to each other, etc... My point being that Religion isn't solely responsible for civilization as we know it.

Judeo/Christian values are more responsible for the foundation of American society than anything else. The problem we are experiencing in America right now is the deliberate destruction of those values. That's the battle going on and it's going on right here, right now.
Judeo/Christian values are more responsible for the foundation of American society than anything else. The problem we are experiencing in America right now is the deliberate destruction of those values. That's the battle going on and it's going on right here, right now.
Deliberate destruction? Where? I dont see that battle, maybe you're imagining it.
I don't like to see people die Buck. Believe it or not I'm not a huge supporter of the death penalty. But do you have any idea how much money it costs innocent taxpayers to keep killers alive for the remainder of thier natural life? I could pull some #s for you.....

Yeah A lot less than executing them

Although i agree with you
Somethings deserve the death Penalty
Actually in my book some people deserve the slow tortuous death penalty
Yeah A lot less than executing them

Although i agree with you
Somethings deserve the death Penalty
Actually in my book some people deserve the slow tortuous death penalty

Again, I do not advocate the death penalty. But from a financial standpoint Duke, you are wrong. The government could be much more conservative in the way it handles executions.

"Executions do not have to cost that much. We could hang them and re-use the rope. No cost! Or we could use firing squads and ask for volunteer firing squad members who would provide their own guns and ammunition. Again, no cost." -Chris Clem

It is not cheaper to keep a criminal confined, because most of the time he will appeal just as much causing as many costs as a convict under death sentence. Being alive and having nothing better to do, he will spend his time in prison conceiving of ever-new habeas corpus petitions, which being unlimited, in effect cannot be rejected as res judicata. The cost is higher.
Deliberate destruction? Where? I dont see that battle, maybe you're imagining it.

Yes, deliberate destruction of Judeo/Christian American values by the far left. Of course you don't see it. I wouldn't expect you to admit to it. LOL.
Yes, deliberate destruction of Judeo/Christian American values by the far left. Of course you don't see it. I wouldn't expect you to admit to it. LOL.
Thats a ridiculous notion; Even more ridiculous though, is that you've presented no evidence to support your assertion. I'll give you the chance to defend your statements now, though... In what ways, specifically, is the left trying to destroy "judeo/Christian American" values?
Thats a ridiculous notion; Even more ridiculous though, is that you've presented no evidence to support your assertion. I'll give you the chance to defend your statements now, though... In what ways, specifically, is the left trying to destroy "judeo/Christian American" values?

Let's start with gay marriage.
I remember reading a study that showed after factoring in automatic appeals and capital case defense expenses Plus time on death row

it costs more to execute someone than to warehouse them for the rest of their life
I remember reading a study that showed after factoring in automatic appeals and capital case defense expenses Plus time on death row

it costs more to execute someone than to warehouse them for the rest of their life

We can fix that by limiting the number of appeals. Lawyers are making a very good living off taxpayers because of this con game.
Since when is valuing personal liberty solely a leftie idea? Hint: Libertarians.

We aren't talking about "personal liberty". I said "Gay Marriage". Gay Marriage has nothing to do with liberty. You've very confused. Gay marriage is part of the agenda to undermine Judeo/Christian values in the USA. Your turn.
We aren't talking about "personal liberty". I said "Gay Marriage". Gay Marriage has nothing to do with liberty. You've very confused. Gay marriage is part of the agenda to undermine Judeo/Christian values in the USA. Your turn.
It has everything to do with personal liberty; If two men want to be married, or two women want to be married then they should be allowed on the grounds that it is their own choice - not yours, or mine or the governments... You can instead call them "civil unions" but it's the exact same thing, and it is their unalienable right. You dont have to like it, or marry a man yourself, but you have no right to tell anybody else that they cant.
It has everything to do with personal liberty; If two men want to be married, or two women want to be married then they should be allowed on the grounds that it is their own choice - not yours, or mine or the governments... You can instead call them "civil unions" but it's the exact same thing, and it is their unalienable right. You dont have to like it, or marry a man yourself, but you have no right to tell anybody else that they cant.

Marriage is between a man and a woman. If two men or two women want to live together and have sex then no one is stopping them. They all have their "liberty". However, marriage in America is a Judeo/Christian concept and that consists of a man and a woman. What you want is to change the DEFINITION of marriage. Liberty has nothing to do with it.
No, it's more than that... For example:
during a medical emergency, a patient’s husband, wife, parents or other family members often are close by, overseeing treatment, making medical decisions and keeping vigil at the

But what happens if the hospital won’t allow you to stay with your partner or child?

That’s the challenge many same-sex couples face during health care emergencies when hospital security personnel, administrators and even doctors and nurses exclude them from a patient’s room because they aren’t “real” family members. (full article here)
Marriage is between a man and a woman. If two men or two women want to live together and have sex then no one is stopping them. They all have their "liberty". However, marriage in America is a Judeo/Christian concept and that consists of a man and a woman. What you want is to change the DEFINITION of marriage. Liberty has nothing to do with it.

There were same sex marriages long before America was America. Native tribes recognized and honored same sex couples. Among the Navajo they are considered sacred and the caretakers of children. Goes back to the creation story. The definition of marriage has been changing since man invented it.