course as a man , i dont take the risk of being brutally beaten to shit by some lunatic customer that thinks im nothing and barely human (cause whore´s are low right?, barely people in some assmonkeys eyes) (well, i dont take as much risk, i could be brutally beaten to shit

or need a pimp that probably takes most of the cash and beats me up if i dont slave my ass to the bone for him.
dunno, seen pics of ho´s that looked happy, or at least more happy than women ive seen working other low jobs (cleaning fishguts for example)
though there were girls happy at the fishguts too.
seen also pics of ho´s that looked empty inside.
met some ho´s that a friend wanted me to fuck.
well i could see the girl liked me,she was afraid of the pimp (raised hurriedly when he saw i was looking at her and pointed at her(beautiful girl with sad eyes))
but i could tell she didnt have the slightest desire to fuck me.
this was in a locale btw, where i was thought exotic and handsome (beauty isnt universal)
and girls regularily came on to me or looked. (hehehe much to the chagrin of my wife, whom i teased (she was jelous to no reason, while a beautiful sexy girl might make my dick stir, she makes it stand up before i know it and Pull towards her

and i could see the same in other prostitutes i viewed (prostitutes are or were rare were im at, havent seen any to my knowledge and this was the only place ive been where had any)
and i couldnt help thinking what sorta men actually rented them.
cause for me, at least half the pleasure is in the pleasure of my partner.
if not more.
drive your lover wild and reap the rewards