shes a monster-- psycosis 400 hps- 70 litre pot

oh still no pean net as u can see, spose ill deall wiv the weight prob wen needed, mite just tie them up
ok how is every 1?

havnt been on for a few days so i thought i post a new pic, shes now on her way!!!

day 25

hello all been very busy so sorry for the delay with my updates

we are now on day 40 an all seems yo be going well

heres a few pics would like to know ppls opinions!


looking excellent mate looks like its gunna be a fat producer lad..

cheers kev, i cant wait to see how much she pacs on over the next 3-4 weeks!!

u think she could be a good yeilder?? care to take a stab at how much she could yeild??

heres my cheese plant wich has been veggin for about 4-5 weeks in a 30 litre , must be the time of year cos startd to shows sighn of bud!! wich would be great, only getting

cold out there at night an in mornings and i have no room for her in my grow room!!

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try puttin a woden frame round her and plastic sheeting over the top and if you can run an extension lead to the plant and buy a greenhouse heater the tubes and it will warm the space up so like a mini greenhouse it cheap and it will help with temos..i reckon 4-5 oz dry off both maybe more..
try puttin a woden frame round her and plastic sheeting over the top and if you can run an extension lead to the plant and buy a greenhouse heater the tubes and it will warm the space up so like a mini greenhouse it cheap and it will help with temos..i reckon 4-5 oz dry off both maybe more..

thanks kev great idea about the cover, erm for the first time EVER !! i do have to disagree with ur guess on yeild

id like to hazzard a guess an say at least 4-5 dry off the psycosis alone, not sure about he cheese tho, might still transplant into another 70 litre tubb!