Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Dankster, you are too sweet #^^#

I'm a person who loves to please, and as much as I'd love to produce a picture that embodied everything FDD loves in a woman

1) I am incapable of such
2) He has a wife, that's not very considerate of Her feelings at all

I love bell sleeves too! But I worried everyone would think it was too childish and princessy. However,
I shall make the bridesmaid's dresses will bell sleeved, and you are going to wear one! X


Well-Known Member
lol sketch up some lacy bell sleeves... so beautiful, especially if the rest of the dress is stream lined, instead of poofy

btw, i started an art thread... all the pictures are way old, i have some new ones though


Well-Known Member
Dankster, you are too sweet #^^#

I'm a person who loves to please, and as much as I'd love to produce a picture that embodied everything FDD loves in a woman

1) I am incapable of such
2) He has a wife, that's not very considerate of Her feelings at all

I love bell sleeves too! But I worried everyone would think it was too childish and princessy. However,
I shall make the bridesmaid's dresses will bell sleeved, and you are going to wear one! X
Considering you're into all the frilly stuff, what's your take on the wedding dresses in My Big Gypsy Wedding, I think it was called?


Well-Known Member
I think some of them are gorgeous and some of them are hideous!

I like petticoats but I think alot are just too big
And look cheap/tacky.

I dislike some of the odd flourescent colors of some of them, especially next to all that fake tan and makeup.

However, some of them have been truly stunning, elegant and princess-like. Romantic princess, rather than Disney princess costume-looking.

I might have to go look at some and make a 'yes' and 'no' pile for reference.

That being said, not all members of the Irish traveller and Romany gypsy community are quite so... Loud. Yes
They can be lively in arguments and not care for modesty (yes I pose in my underwear but I would NEVER wear some of the low cut, short thingies I've seen 0_o) but they are very lovely people who are actually more strict about dating and the preservation of virginity than most.


Well-Known Member
lol that show played in the us... i was like wtf is up with these little girls dressing like sluts, dropping out of school, getting married?


Well-Known Member
it didnt work out. did get a nice imaginary portrait done... imginary as i thought of the face and drew it, lol not like i just imagined drawing it


Well-Known Member
I have big, solid quads, but not like THAT!

I think that amount of muscle is not very comfortable for one's face X3

I love strong abs and guns though. Too bad I have no definition whatsoever- time for more crunches!


Well-Known Member
Could you imagine a new form of execution, performed by going down on an exceptionally muscled woman? I think those thighs would cut off more than your blood supply X3


Well-Known Member
Could you imagine a new form of execution, performed by going down on an exceptionally muscled woman? I think those thighs would cut off more than your blood supply X3
Seriously, you could write a whole horror trilogy based on her, and men would sleep with their lights on and their guns loaded after watching them. I would be one of them.


Well-Known Member
It is extreme, that photo, though I'm all for women being powerful. Well developed arms are must. I love seeing how muscles tense and relax under the skin. It may be the artist and amateur anatomist in me. The body, structurally, is a wonderful thing...

Though we are highly inefficient compared to so many other animals XP


Well-Known Member
Kuroi, you can find the beauty in almost anything. With that said. NO, their is nothing nothing nothing attractive about that.

&#8224;LOL&#8224; though now that I think on it, it reminds me of that episode of futurama, "Amazon women in the mood". I can just see her saying, "WE TAKE MEN TO LEADER, SHE KNOW WHAT DO!"


Well-Known Member
kuroi, you can find the beauty in almost anything. With that said. No, their is nothing nothing nothing attractive about that.

&#8224;lol&#8224; though now that i think on it, it reminds me of that episode of futurama, "amazon women in the mood". I can just see her saying, "we take men to leader, she know what do!"
death by snoo-snoo!!