1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Nice Don, is the 3rd pic down a CCxL or a DOG? bit confused with your picture labeling, lol. (and it looks different from the first 2) Very frosty indeedly.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Nice Don, is the 3rd pic down a CCxL or a DOG? bit confused with your picture labeling, lol. (and it looks different from the first 2) Very frosty indeedly.
cheers lads!

been a bumpy ride this one but ill land them safely.

D, third one is the Dog man. there are 2 pheno's of DOG in there, i went back n checked. i'm a reet divvy sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Right, gotcha. Well it's going to be interesting to see what they dry and cur elike. I am betting the same.

Really happy with the Deep Blue F3 fnished product. So fruity!!! Very sweet. And a proper smasher.


Well-Known Member
they look .... ok ish don .....

LOL only messing they look proper nice !!!
+rep !

aparently i need to spread rep before i can give it you ?!?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Right, gotcha. Well it's going to be interesting to see what they dry and cure like. I am betting the same.
Really happy with the Deep Blue F3 fnished product. So fruity!!! Very sweet. And a proper smasher.
it was so strong the first time round i got shot of most of it but yeah i'm guessing they will be much the same bro. deep blue musky and fruity or straight up fruity? guessing if its a smasher it might have a foosty side.
they look .... ok ish don .....
LOL only messing they look proper nice !!!
+rep !
aparently i need to spread rep before i can give it you ?!?
hahah cheers fella. more mould found tonight so the snips are coming out and the fuckers are coming down. well the two worst offenders. might just severely pune them as its only another week but might just do them properly. livers at 8 weeks is still awesome.


Well-Known Member
hey Don, here are a few photos of the QQ i have going... she is a great lookin girl! i am very impressed with the genetics so far!! in fact, i was just braging her up on my thread the other day!!! she is in my favorite container, an air-crate!!

her twin sisters!!!



Well-Known Member
it was so strong the first time round i got shot of most of it but yeah i'm guessing they will be much the same bro. deep blue musky and fruity or straight up fruity? guessing if its a smasher it might have a foosty side.

hahah cheers fella. more mould found tonight so the snips are coming out and the fuckers are coming down. well the two worst offenders. might just severely pune them as its only another week but might just do them properly. livers at 8 weeks is still awesome.
First livers I did was at 8 weeks and was more than good enough.

mr west

Well-Known Member
my mates just cut a livers at 6 weeks cuz it snapped and it still blows most everything else clean out the water and half way up the beach

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
That's a sign of a superior strain westy, I could do that with my ice too.

Hey Don what's going on mate. Shame about the loss to the bud rot man, maybe with fall and winter just around the corner you won't have to worry about it as much. You don't need any suggestions from me, you know what needs to be done. Just think though, whenever you move how tight your op will be when you set back up. Live and learn I guess. I suppose another fan would help hehe what a shit huh ; !)

Have a good one buddy, rainy morgen over here but that's alright I like it...very peaceful. Smoking some of my Ice x CB, I like it a lot! It needs to be refined a bit to add some better flavor but the buds are very similiar to the old ice cut as is the high. Taking down the beast today, she's the sativa dom DOG and she at 12.5 weeks. Took a bud off last night and checked the trics,,,she had some ambers in there finally so it's time lol. I'll take a pic before the chop. Later man!


Well-Known Member
Don with a good Buddy of mine yesterday. Hes from England.
His quote of the day was.
Well his putting is shit, but his long game is MUSTARD!..Bosh...LOL

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Lookin sweet those bud shots don lookin eatable !!
More mould= chop those bitches down bro a week is nt gonna kill yeild or potency but the mould will imo!!
yup i've been chopping for hours already this morning and last night. thankfully the gaffer is an understanding chap and has let me work from home today.
First livers I did was at 8 weeks and was more than good enough.
yeah i know its good to take down, hairs are turned haven't checked the trich sit but it doesn't really matter eh.
my mates just cut a livers at 6 weeks cuz it snapped and it still blows most everything else clean out the water and half way up the beach
i was havin a chat with my mate yesterday over a j of livers. we concluded that the taste of fresh cut livers is nicer than 3 month cured. though the quality of the high is no where near it.
That's a sign of a superior strain westy, I could do that with my ice too.
Hey Don what's going on mate. Shame about the loss to the bud rot man, maybe with fall and winter just around the corner you won't have to worry about it as much. You don't need any suggestions from me, you know what needs to be done. Just think though, whenever you move how tight your op will be when you set back up. Live and learn I guess. I suppose another fan would help hehe what a shit huh ; !)
Have a good one buddy, rainy morgen over here but that's alright I like it...very peaceful. Smoking some of my Ice x CB, I like it a lot! It needs to be refined a bit to add some better flavor but the buds are very similiar to the old ice cut as is the high. Taking down the beast today, she's the sativa dom DOG and she at 12.5 weeks. Took a bud off last night and checked the trics,,,she had some ambers in there finally so it's time lol. I'll take a pic before the chop. Later man!
fuck the fan. it's not helping jack shit. i really cant wait to have a big room i can move about in and not be cramped up. 12.5 week dog :shock: thats going to have some clout to it man. only some ambers too?!? hope your good man. well back to the chopping. honestly those girls should have been beasts. reckon i'm down to a third of what they should be but the pile of trim for the hash run will be epic.
laters fella
Don with a good Buddy of mine yesterday. Hes from England.
His quote of the day was.
Well his putting is shit, but his long game is MUSTARD!..Bosh...LOL
hahahah keen as mustard eh