Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
SMART POTS MYLES SMART POTS lololol fuck im SO FUCKING GOD DAMN BORED..... I need to make some money so i can go on a cross country trip for a year or two and just visit homies and get FUCKIN KERSHNAZZLED

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
PSHHHH shows what you know about smart pots SIR..... :p

you have to water more cause root systems grow faster, if you want to water less transplant at the right time lol. Silly myles likes to choke his bitches, NO AIR FOR YOU GOD DAMNIT ahahaha

jk myles handle, i love my smart pots, i drill holes in everything to turn it into a smart pot if i dont have one, I dont get rootbound, EVER with these things love em. To each his own. Just cut back on the perlite buddy it wont dry out fast at all use an outdoor soil mix inside, helpful hint for smartpots if you ever bust em ;), watch imma send you a clone in a smart pot and make you grow it that way lol, Myles gets a 40 gallon smart pot full of dirt and clone in the mail.... WTF... lol


Well-Known Member
fukc that shit lol. more water is lost to evaporation bro. I would use them outside maybe but never in my growrooms

anything comes to me in a smartpot imma pull the fucker out n toss the pot :p

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
you dont need retention when uwater like me :p

lool but seriously though, whats the beef, u used em before and no like em? Just curious or you going off of hearsay about water retention because i've had no problems just y i ask.


Well-Known Member
hahahahha i got no water source on the floor an my RO an 55 gallon RO rez is two floors down. :D

i aint lookin to have tah water almost twice as often.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
As it is fun to fuck wit you lol, haha what are friends for if not a little jab here and there lol at least we get a laugh out of it LOL


Well-Known Member
shit be poppin :D my 6 inch fan came today and its nice but aint gunna be enough airflow for my veg cab so i ordered three more. when they come ill take pics. gunna hang em on edges of the room so they arent taking up floorspace but will keep air flowing over the plants.


Well-Known Member
6 inch oscillating minus the oscillation :p i have one 4 inch inline fan for exhaust of room but these are to keep air blowing on the actual plants. I had bought a 12 inch fan for it but itll take up too much of the precious space in the cab. 4 hanging 6 inchers will blow enough air while not taking up floorspace :)

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
yea im gonna have to hit the swap meet here pretty soon to get some extra airflow for my mother room im gonna put some computer fans into it too, not the ones grumz is givin me im gonna get these ones from the dro store they cost a bit more but i wont skimp on the main setup because already had too many OH FUCK moments with this grow, fuckin fans goin out, gnats, fuckin slow growth, all sorts of madness where i had to spend unexpected mass amounts of money on ph and tds testers cause my last partner fucked my old ones up.

They got these clip on fans look to be about 4-6 inches in diameter probably just like what you got.


Well-Known Member
i dont use computer axial fans anymore cuz i legit cut my finger pretty bad one time....finger went where it shouldnt n the fan had no gaurd n they go FAST... at least the 4 incher i had did. i made a custum gaurd for it after that day using wire but from here on out my fans gunna be quiet and as safe as possible LOL

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
rofl hahahahahahahaha im not gonna be able to stick my hand into it unless im a complete tard but i definately catch ur drift cutting fingers no fun lol, im puttin mine on the floor in one corner of the mother room and one on the side wall near the ceiling blowin in and pulling out, the clip fans will be the ones ill be bumpin but those ones got gaurds =)


Well-Known Member
in my defense it was setup in a wall of the flowering room as an active intake and the door to the veg room was right next to it. was bound to happen one day lmao open fan+being very stoned+checking on plants everyday :D